

1、She's a shrewd businesswoman.『4words』

2、It's a shrewd tactic.『4words』

3、That one looks very shrewd.『5words』

4、This was a shrewd dig.『5words』

5、A short, shrewd fellow said thieves.『6words』



6、This shrewd, short book explains why.『6words』

7、make a shrewd guess (as to...)『6words』

8、The old nurse was prudent and shrewd.『7words』

9、He was essentially a shrewd commanding officer.『7words』

10、Yet Yota has made some shrewd choices, too.『8words』



11、ts`ai tan [usually a shrewd and sometimes comic woman]『9words』

12、She saw his dark, shrewd, unabashed eye looking into her.『10words』

13、All shrewd feudal rulers attached great importance to this system.『10words』

14、Her unthreatening exterior belied a sharp intelligence and a shrewd wit.『11words』

15、Ben Weatherstaff chuckled and there was shrewd admiration in his little old eyes.『13words』

16、Her face was alert and lively, with a sharp chin and shrewd little eyes.『14words』

17、It would have been different if the master praised themfor being shrewd or effective or profitable.『16words』

18、Everybody said he was a very shrewd doctor indeed, and knew perfectly what people's constitutions were.『16words』

19、Mammy emerged from the hall, a huge old woman with the small, shrewd eyes of an elephant.『17words』

20、People who can afford to hire shrewd lawyers often find legal loopholes enabling them to escape most taxes.『18words』



21、She is very capable and shrewd. She is always hot and windy. She seems to know nothing about fatigue.『19words』

22、Zanders was a little man, dark, with a short stubby mustache, and a shrewd though not highly intelligent eye.『19words』

23、How shrewd and deep must be that mind that would foresee and forestall all the accidents and chances of life.『20words』

24、But Buffett, for all his affability, is shrewd about disengaging himself to avoid any unnecessary distractions that might impair his judgment.『21words』

25、The mighty tiger, the lion, the shrewd and flexible monkey, the gorgeous peacock, and the eloquent parrot made everyone reluctant to move.『22words』

26、Mrs. Munny was very shrewd. She could see that the boys were just having fun and having fun. None of them were sincere.『23words』

27、The man sitting opposite him was short and shrewd. He was about forty years old, with a pale, slightly bearded face and a beautiful appearance.『25words』

28、How much of Mr Buffett's success can be put down to his shrewd use of insurance company funds, or a few stock picks in the 1970s?『26words』

29、But there are more than 1100 counties in the country, and no shrewd and capable personnel officer can know their specific achievements in detail, but can only consider one or two major programs.『33words』


上一篇:show up造句,用show up怎么造句子(29句)