

1、Lies always backfire.『3words』

2、Phone calls can backfire.『4words』

3、But this could backfire.『4words』

4、That may yet backfire.『4words』

5、But GE's move could backfire.『5words』



6、The president's tactics could backfire.『5words』

7、Even then, however, the strategy might backfire.『7words』

8、However, a good belief could also backfire.『7words』

9、But librarians' backgrounds in the law can sometimes backfire.『9words』

10、Then, while those firefighters dig, others start a backfire.『9words』



11、If what you're saying is not compelling, it could backfire.『10words』

12、Rewards work under some circumstances but sometimes they backfire. Spectacularly.『10words』

13、Even when decisions are made they sometimes seem to backfire.『10words』

14、Appropriate praise can make people happy, but excessive praise can backfire.『11words』

15、Poor shooting skills may backfire and easily set fire to the body.『12words』

16、But tellig a stranger too much about your assets and achievements can backfire.『13words』

17、A new backfire antenna fed by a bifilar backfire belix is described in this Paper.『15words』

18、Scientists tell us this can backfire and actually have a negative impact on our wellbeing.『15words』

19、The Chinese economic engine is going to have a backfire, and we'll all feel it.『15words』

20、Tom's bad talking everybody but now he's suffering from the backfire, because he has no friends anymore.『17words』



21、Practice shows that the burner is characterized by high burning stability, low backfire rate and flameout rate.『17words』

22、While this may seem justified by a noble goal, such "policy by people" tactics rarely work, and often backfire.『19words』

23、In the UK, prssure tactics and imposing deadlines are ways of closing deals whist in Greese this would backfire.『19words』

24、But politicians still need to be careful. Their attacks could ultimately backfire if they undermine investor confidence and push up long-term interest rates.『23words』

25、Time-Wasting is useful late in the game but be sen*** le- employ it too early it can backfire and cost you the game.『23words』

26、If you have been passive aggressive with someone lately or trying to "get someone's goat" in the past few weeks, things will backfire badly on you lately.『27words』

27、But at the same time we should note that the impact of VVVF energy-saving effect of a number of factors, if blindly selected, is likely to backfire.『27words』

28、If students were forced to read books according to the preferences of teachers, this could backfire and they would likely end up hating the Chinese language even more.『28words』

29、I think that the purpose of the teacher in the class is not to show off their own level and how high to enable students to worship themselves, If the case is bound to backfire.『35words』

