

1、target hitting activities『3words』

2、She kept hitting me.『4words』

3、Is he hitting on you?『5words』

4、People are hitting the streets.『5words』

5、Are you hitting on me?『5words』



6、She narrowly missed hitting him.『5words』

7、How does "blizzard" imitate hitting someone?『6words』

8、He likes hitting the blue ball.『6words』

9、Have you done hitting your head?『6words』

10、Two apple martinis. -you hitting that, bro?『7words』



11、You need to stop hitting the dog.『7words』

12、Arrows hitting trees now have a sound effect!『8words』

13、My head was woozy from hitting the ground.『8words』

14、Congratulations to LinkedIn for hitting 50 million users.『8words』

15、He was filled with remorse after hitting the child.『9words』

16、The swerve which the car made to avoid hitting her.『10words』

17、He didn't date to shoot for tear of hitting his own people.『12words』

18、move() returns the state the DFA transitions to upon hitting a given XML element.『14words』

19、Hundreds of people go out with their pillows hitting each other's face, back and chest.『15words』

20、They also carried knobbly sticks, used for hitting each other while the teachers weren't looking.『15words』



21、Fouls include hitting below the belt, using a rabbit punch, and hitting a man when he is down.『18words』

22、Here's a simple tip that will help you master this shot: Practice hitting low volleys with a tennis ball placed under your hitting arm.『24words』

23、Fig.43 The knuckles on the hitting hand should be facing the target at contact. Let the knuckles continue on target as if hitting four balls.『25words』

24、Lu Xun later said a thorough word: a person is tired of hitting his own mouth, it is difficult to prevent others from hitting your mouth.『26words』

25、For instance, the fouls are defined as committing such things as hitting below the belt, using a rabbit punch, and hitting a man when he is down.『27words』

26、During thunderstorms in parts of the western United States, rain often evaporates before hitting the ground, making the region vulnerable to brush fires from lightning hitting the dry earth.『29words』

27、Distributions of the first hitting place and first hitting time for a conditioned Brownian motion to a hyperplane as well as its maximum excursions before hitting the hyperplanes are given.『30words』

28、Watching the surging waves from time to time like rolling up a thousand piles of snow, hitting rocks, mountains and coasts, also hitting my heart, and stirring up ripples, is a pure enjoyment.『33words』

29、Hitting an opponent below his belt,using a rabbit punch or hitting an opponent when he is already down all commit a foul. A foul may results in points being deducted or even being stripped off the right.『37words』

