

1、skimming pebbles(over the lake)『4words』

2、They wearily sucked their pebbles『5words』

3、Do you see shells and pebbles『6words』

4、The brook murmurs over the pebbles.『6words』

5、These are far better than pebbles『6words』



6、The sand or pebbles on a shore.『7words』

7、Men stumble over pebbles, never over mountains.『7words』

8、Preparation and characterization of Lithium orthosilicate ceramic pebbles『8words』

9、We went on again, picking up shells and pebbles.『9words』

10、The ordinary leader turns pebbles in the road into boulders.『10words』



11、To apply a surface of rock fragments or pebbles to.『10words』

12、The pebbles, for instance, were chosen to match the beach.『10words』

13、Apple designers seem to like things that feel like smooth pebbles.『11words』

14、They may have used pebbles to calculate, for the word "calculus" means "pebble".『13words』

15、I threw pebbles at the hens, and that made them jump and squawk.『13words』

16、The river's bottom is covered with beautiful pebbles of different sizes and shapes.『13words』

17、Touchstone is a could turn any common metal into pure gold a small pebbles.『14words』

18、Pebbles, is polished by women's tears, and pebbles only soak in women's tears to become crystal beautiful.『17words』

19、while, in its swifter and livelier passages there appeared a channel-way of pebbles, and brown, sparkling sand.『17words』

20、The River roared in the meantime, leaving clean sand grains and smooth pebbles deposited between the rubble.『17words』



21、Not a single pebble was found that might have indicated that the pebbles came from the nearby continent.『18words』

22、The writing explained that it was lying among thousands and thousands of other pebbles that looked exactly like it.『19words』

23、According to the local people, they are petrified cereals from Qi's time and so given the name five-cereal pebbles.『19words』

24、When I was a child, I often went to the river to play, pick up pebbles and float in the water.『21words』

25、The water was always laden with pebbles, gravel, and sand, known as glacial outwash, that was deposited as the flow slowed down.『22words』

26、His boots trod again a damp crackling mast, razorshells, squeaking pebbles, that on the unnumbered pebbles beats, wood sieved by the shipworm, lost Armada.『24words』

27、Turbulent waters tore into the hardened salt flats, broke them up, and ground them into the pebbles observed in the first sample taken by the Challenger.『26words』

28、At first it may have been grains or pebbles but now it is a memorised sequence of words that happen to be the names of the numbers.『27words』

29、He stepped across the railing, walked over to the flower terrace, picked up a few pebbles and tossed them on to the tile roof of the covered walk.『28words』

