

1、square-mouth navvy shove『3words』

2、If you pull, I'll shove.『5words』

3、A rough shove or push.『5words』

4、Strike two: A shove or kick.『6words』

5、Help me shove the furniture aside.『6words』



6、Help me shove this furniture aside.『6words』

7、You could give him a shove.『6words』

8、Don't shove the job ofr onto others.『7words』

9、Helen shove the book across the desk to him.『9words』

10、When push comes to shove, their opinions don't matter.『9words』



11、You think you can shove all the blame on me.『10words』

12、The tariff helped give the world economy a downward shove.『10words』

13、Then suddenly, Old Grizzly gave Brown Bear a big shove .『11words』

14、We must just shove everything in anyhow, we can repack later.『11words』

15、When the train comes, people shove to get on the train.『11words』

16、A shove out of bounds is a necessary part of football.『11words』

17、The surplus will shove the price down from a dollar to 60 cent『13words』

18、If there was an administration that could effectively push and shove, it will be Obama's one.『16words』

19、If push comes to shove, if you should lose your case in the court, what will you do?『18words』

20、Then, wipe the phone gently with a towel, and shove it into a jar full of uncooked rice.『18words』



21、Hogan was talking fast and furious, half to himself,"They give you a shove just when you're off the balance"『19words』

22、Copy their info, shove Yelp to the bottom of the page and put Google Places and reviews at the top.『20words』

23、When I first tried meditating, I tried to silence my thoughts, I tried to shove them out of my mental space.『21words』

24、The housing project is hard to shove for attention among multibillion-pound infrastructure projects, so it is inevitable that the attention is focused elsewhere.『23words』

25、Unable to take any more, Hung-chien said, "Then just shut up," and he reached out and gave her a strong shove in the chest.『24words』

26、Many a brisk argument or an insulting quarrel breaks out as the weary queues push and shove each other to get on buses and tubes.『25words』

27、They stood tall against two of the league's best, going shove for shove with Boston on Thursday before gliding past Cleveland by winning the second half, 50-30.『27words』

28、An' if you'll believe me, 'e puts 'is 'and on my chest and gives me a shove as pretty near sent me under the wheels of a bus.『28words』

29、It's a very important explanation and much debated, that at a critical time in the battle, one technique would be that one side would give one great big shove.『29words』

