

1、The liquid is then diluted.『5words』

2、Your success gets diluted too!『5words』

3、The fragrances are highly diluted.『5words』

4、full diluted earning per share『5words』

5、He diluted the paint with water.『6words』



6、He diluted the paint with oil.『6words』

7、sweetened beverage of diluted lemon juice.『6words』

8、sweetened beverage of diluted orange juice.『6words』

9、Christianity was generously diluted with pagan beliefs『7words』

10、Ultrasonic diagnosis in hydrodouble-kidney with double diluted ureter『8words』



11、 The nurse diluted the drug with saline water.『9words』

12、The company has 386 million fully diluted shares outstanding.『9words』

13、Method: The sample wsa diluted by mobile phase containing acid.『10words』

14、She diluted my loneliness and filled my heart with light.『10words』

15、Pro forma net income of between $2.50 and $2.70 per diluted share.『12words』

16、However, in sewage, these chemicals become diluted and bacteria have evolved resistance to them.『14words』

17、Stock investors seem increasingly resigned to the possibility that their stakes will be heavily diluted.『15words』

18、The toxic chemical is used to bolster apparent protein levels in diluted or poor-quality milk.『15words』

19、Even diluted by the terrestrial material excavated from the crater, this component of meteorites is easily identified.『17words』

20、 The evening sun is diluted by clouds, with a quiet, transparent light golden color like a stream.『18words』



21、But Isis is also the tender mother we find in the Christian Mary, with the mother-power less diluted.『18words』

22、Analysis on the Condition of Trademark Diluted Infringement--On the legislative perfection of the trademark diluted infringement of our country;『19words』

23、And then she diluted the compliment by adding, "But it's powerful seldom you're a mind to, I'm bound to say.『20words』

24、The dilution rate shall be marked on package or user manual if paints need to be diluted during manufacturing process.『20words』

25、Midnight with a slight sense of coolness, diluted the busy day, took away the noise of the day, but also eliminated their fatigue.『23words』

26、It is practically insoluble in water and only very slowly soluble in diluted acids, so it is largely converted for fertilizing purposes into superphosphate.『24words』

27、On an adjusted basis, excluding special items in the first quarter of 2010, Baxter's earnings per diluted share increased 5 percent from $0.93 per diluted share in the prior-year period.『30words』

28、When the B material is thick, can be diluted with a special diluent, must not be diluted with acid or oily thinner, so as not to affect the quality of the original product.『33words』

29、The product should be dissolved and diluted before use which can improve the precision of dosage , of which liquid PAC can be diluted by adding water and solid PAC be diluted by mixing with water.『36words』

