

1、ex-drug addicts hostel『3words』

2、Drug addicts often hallucinate.『4words』

3、But were they addicts『4words』

4、They are rock music addicts.『5words』

5、dope addicts exploited by peddlers『5words』



6、We are not drug addicts.『5words』

7、Why do we become brand addicts『6words』

8、a rehabilitation center for drug addicts『6words』

9、Rational addicts should behave in certain ways.『7words』

10、Now I work in a centre for drug addicts.『9words』



11、And finally we realize we are migration addicts ourselves.『9words』

12、It's become basically - we're like an - we're consumer addicts.『11words』

13、They are the smartphoniacs, the true addicts of the information age.『11words』

14、Objective : To study the mental defence mechanism features of heroin addicts.『12words』

15、Sometimes, the number of drug addicts to get together, we mix syringes.『12words』

16、The paradox is that most help for internet addicts is only available online.『13words』

17、The memory impairment in heroin addicts was mainly the disorder of evocation .『13words』

18、There are differences in personality characteristics and parental rearing styles between Internet addicts and non-Internet addicts.『16words』

19、81 cases of heroin addicts were treated only by buprenorphine hydrochlo-ride tablets(Bup)with the dosage decreasing gradually.『16words』

20、And our strategy is threefold: one, reduce demand, interdict supply, and then help people who have become addicts.『18words』



21、And the occurrence age of drug abuse,excessive drinking and sexual behavior tend to be young in heroin addicts.『18words』

22、Narcotics prohibition and the rehabilitation of addicts are breakthrough points in the effort to completely solve the drug problem.『19words』

23、At present, there are about 100 addicts live in TC of Yunnan Daytop and the number of resident is increasing.『20words』

24、In that movie, the place was depicted as a dirty nest in the city, burnt apartment buildings, rubbish, weeds, and drug addicts.『22words』

25、It is investigated that 19% interviewees confessed themselves to be office addicts, and 45% ones said they had acquaintances who were office addicts.『23words』

26、In China, addicts mainly receive treatment at compulsory rehabilitation centers and treatment and reeducation-through-labor centers-special schools for educating and saving addicts from ruin.『23words』

27、Results the results showed that the mean scores of all factors in heroin addicts were higher than those of normal population, and there had difference between difference types of heroin addicts.『31words』

28、Now drug addicts account for 0.054 percent of China's total population. Of the drug addicts, those taking heroin make up 71.5 percent, and those under the age of 35 amount to 79.2 percent.『33words』

29、Many drug addicts and drug traffickers were imprisoned here. A human body simulation model is thin as wood. This is the bitter fruit that drug traffickers and drug addicts should experience, and also the sorrow of the world.『38words』

