

1、The dog barks at strangers.『5words』

2、Next door 's dog barks.『6words』

3、A dog yaps/ yelps/ barks/ snarls.『6words』

4、The officer barks out his orders.『6words』

5、Oft have delivered stricken barks from wreck.『7words』



6、There are many different types of barks.『7words』

7、The dog does not talk; it barks.『7words』

8、If the old dog barks, he gives counsel.『8words』

9、It barks all night long, I can't stand it.『9words』

10、The dog barks and the door opens (for 5 seconds).『10words』



11、His dog always barks at anyone who rings the doorbell.『10words』

12、Not the dog barks, you can say the dog is barking.『11words』

13、My dog barks a lot, but he isn't barking at the moment.『12words』

14、It barks without having to learn how from other dogs, it just barks.『13words』

15、My dog barks an awful lot, but it isn't barking at the moment.『13words』

16、Nestlé barks when Mike Marder and his wife come home, and he barks when they leave.『16words』

17、Essential Oils are the undiluted essences extracted from flowers, fruits, leaves, barks, roots, herbs and spices.『16words』

18、A dog in a kennel barks at his fleas; a dog hunting does not notice them.『16words』

19、“It can store up to 100 barks, even recording the dog's emotions when the owner is away."『17words』

20、His most eloquent utterance is the emotional gurgle of barks that means to say I've missed you!『17words』



21、In this study, the researchers looked at the high-pitched barks a prairie dog makes when it spots predator.『18words』

22、The dog barks, the cock crows, and the sound of pigs eating in the yard all wear their ears.『19words』

23、In the new film "Clash of the Titans," Zeus, king of the gods, barks the order to "Release the Kraken!"『20words』

24、The night was quiet and the earth was sound asleep except for a few barks from time to time in the distance.『22words』

25、Summer rains go by in a flash, and this dirty-nosed frog will be flooded as soon as it barks and rains continue.『22words』

26、Dear God: If a dog barks his head off in the forest and no human hears him, is he still a bad dog?『23words』

27、The next day, less than six o'clock, I woke up with the village, which was still silent except for the occasional cockcrows and barks.『24words』

28、The reaction condintions for in-situ immobilization of tannin in black wattle barks and adsorption characterization of in-situ immobilized black wattle barks(ISIB) to Fe3+ were investigated.『25words』

29、When he was about to spit out a long depression on his heart against the silent and empty snow field, a few barks came from a distance.『27words』

