

1、He termed the gas argon.『5words』

2、Also termed as Individual Psychology.『5words』

3、REM sleep is termed 'active' sleep.『6words』

4、This tool is termed a chisel.『6words』

5、The effect is termed harmonic distortion.『6words』



6、The seismometers are usually termed geophones.『6words』

7、He had been termed a temporary employee.『7words』

8、Each set of assertions is termed an alternative.『8words』

9、This regime is termed mass transport or diffusion limited.『9words』

10、And, this outermost shell is termed the valence shell.『9words』



11、A similar development in the USA is termed triaxial seismometer.『10words』

12、Siemens claimed tax deductions for what it termed “useful expenditure”.『10words』

13、Materisls with intermediate conductivities generally from10-6 to104(Ω- m)-1, are termed semiconductors.『11words』

14、Another visual signal produced by while-tailed deer is termed a buck scrape.『12words』

15、The act of laying claim to and defending a territory is termed territoriality.『13words』

16、The following situation can be termed as major incident stated in the preceding paragraph『14words』

17、The aspect of cognition in question is part of what is termed the brain's "executive function".『16words』

18、The our country traditional and nuptial solemnization is a pleased ceremony, the quare is termed celebration ceremony.『17words』

19、The ability of water, or other fluids, to flow through the interconnected pore spaces in rocks is termed permeability.『19words』

20、In response to er stress, cells have developed a self-protective signal transduction pathway termed the unfolded protein response (UPR).『19words』



21、Advanced digital distributed computer system (termed DCS) is adopted in 10mw High Temperature Gas cooled test Reactor (termed HTR 10).『20words』

22、Once "cheap and cheerful", Gambian accommodation has improved, and the Coco Ocean Resort and Spa can only be termed luxurious.『20words』

23、Over the coming years, Jung engaged in a process of self-experimentation which he himself termed a 'confrontation with the unconscious'.『20words』

24、This phenomenon has been termed "change blindness" and refers to the difficulty that observers have in noticing changes to visual scenes.『21words』

25、Then the paper proposes a brand new neural network, termed dyadic network, and a brand new fuzzy model, termed dyadic fuzzy system.『22words』

26、It is reported that many diseases that are often termed as ion channel disease are related with the aberrance of cell trans-membrane ion channels.『24words』

27、This second option might properly be termed "asset maintenance" underwriting - the acceptance of terrible business just to keep the assets you now have.『24words』

28、Radiographs of the pelvis may show ossification of various entheses, such as the iliac crest, ischial tuberosity, and femoral trochanter, which is termed whiskering.『24words』

29、The first is a 2-letter lowercase language code, termed the ISO 639 code and the second is a 2-letter uppercase country code, termed the ISO 3166 code (see Resources).『29words』

