

1、butter-worker (dairy machinery)『3words』

2、They farm dairy cattle.『4words』

3、Cut back on sugar and dairy.『6words』

4、India has the world's largest dairy herd.『7words』

5、Security and sanitary standard for dairy equipment『7words』



6、Manufacture and trend of liquid dairy products;『7words』

7、We have lots of dairy herds, dairy cows.『8words』

8、The dairy cattle are going to come in.『8words』

9、Major End-Use Markets: Beverages, confections, baked goods, dairy products.『9words』

10、We only buy organic produce, beans, grains and dairy.『9words』



11、Determination of hydroxyproline in dairy products using amino acid analyzer『10words』

12、For example, some people find that dairy products cause diarrhea.『10words』

13、The business of owning and operating a dairy or a dairy farm.『12words』

14、Boost acquaintance of quality and implement all-round safe dairy and dairy products system;『13words』

15、Benefit sharing mechanism between dairy farmers and dairy processing enterprises:based on contract theory『13words』

16、In addition to planting alternative crops, many farmers turned to dairy and beef production.『14words』

17、Recently, the events of dairy product showed the missing of social responsibility in dairy enterprises.『15words』

18、Dairy cow mastitis is one of the principal causes of economic losses in the dairy industry.『16words』

19、Remember I was born on a dairy farm, the largest dairy farm in the state of Montana.『17words』

20、It is the key to guaranteeing dairy safety to set up dairy industry's safe regulation and standard.『17words』



21、Electronic nose was used for analyzing flavor of different matrix dairy products: milk, cream, and dairy flavoring.『17words』

22、Milk, dairy products - hedgehogs are lactose intolerant and cannot digest dairy. Leads to upset stomach and diarrhea.『18words』

23、With the rapid development of China's dairy industry, epidemiological survey indicate the incidence of endometritis in dairy cows significantly increasing.『20words』

24、In particular the dairy industry, and the dairy industry, dairy industry, industry characteristics determine the rate of accidents can never be zero.『22words』

25、Dairy stores could boast of the rich range of dairy products – milk, kefir, sour acidophilus milk, ryazhenka (fermented baked milk), sour cream.『23words』

26、A dairy industry analyst for Rabobank expects global demand to grow for dairy products and short-term prices to remain steady before increasing long term.『24words』

27、They learn first hand about the health and nutrition of dairy cattle, as well as the science of making butter, cheese, and other dairy products.『25words』

28、Then the basic situation of dairy industry of Heilongjiang Province is introduced, and summed up the conditions for the development of the advantages of dairy of aquaculture industry.『28words』

29、Although the rapid growth of the liquid dairy industry ascribes mainly to the white dairy production, the whole industry would be impacted if the growth of white dairy production was stopped.『31words』

