

1、a predisposition to colds『4words』

2、Fatigue predispose to colds.『4words』

3、one's susceptibility to colds『4words』

4、She is susceptible to colds『5words』

5、my liability to bad colds『5words』



6、She had a succession of colds.『6words』

7、Eating oranges keeps colds at bay.『6words』

8、Mother doctored us for colds and stomachaches.『7words』

9、Myth: most colds are caught in the Winter.『8words』

10、I catch colds frequently because my resistance is low.『9words』



11、lowered body resistance to colds, flu, or other diseases;『9words』

12、Some diseases are contagious–like colds, flu, and chicken pox.『9words』

13、Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession.『10words』

14、It has long been a traditional remedy for the relief of colds and flus.『14words』

15、One famous alternative treatment for colds is the use of zinc in nasal gel or lozenges.『16words』

16、Uses· Temporarily relieves symptoms of simple dry, tight or tickling coughs due to colds in children.『16words』

17、Breathe Easy is an herbal tea that temporarily relieves congestion from hay fever colds and allergies.『16words』

18、ABout 200 different strains of virus can produce colds; they are spread by direct or indirect contact.『17words』

19、Positivity makes you more attractive and resilient, with lower blood pressure, less pain, fewer colds, better sleep.『17words』

20、Staying healthy is an important prevention tactic when it comes to warding off the sniffles, colds and flu.『18words』



21、There is a particular acupressure point, Bearing Support (B 36), that governs resistance, especially resistance to colds and flu.『19words』

22、Many people swear by ginger tea to beef up the immune system, help fight colds and cure a sore throat.『20words』

23、Going to the dentist, having your eyes tested and trying to avoid coughs and colds could help prevent dementia, claim scientists.『21words』

24、There's no particular bug on the radar this year, but "exposure to other infectious illnesses - colds, upper respiratory infections, influenza" are inevitable.『23words』

25、Stress reactions can reduce the disease fighting effectiveness of the body's immune system, thereby increasing susceptibility to illnesses ranging from colds to cancer.『23words』

26、She then launched into a long animated explanation of the power of minestrone: how it cured headaches colds heartaches indigestion gout and liver ailments.『24words』

27、The physical effects of long term stress include colds, ulcers, asthma, heart attack, stroke,and chronic fatigue--all ailments that can erode your health and your love life.『26words』

28、If you start feeling ill with cold or flu-like symptoms, don't go to school or work. Stay at home and begin the usual home treatment for colds and flu.『29words』

29、The American Lung Association (ALA) has issued new guidelines on combating colds and the flu, and one of the keys is being able to quickly tell the two apart.『29words』

