

1、He goes surfing every weekend.『5words』

2、Have you ever been surfing『5words』

3、We're surfing in the air.『5words』

4、Hawaii was the birthplace of surfing.『6words』

5、Soon the two were surfing together.『6words』



6、My hobby is surfing the Internet.『6words』

7、I'm crazy about surfing the Internet.『6words』

8、I like surfing with the friends.『6words』

9、I know swimming, surfing, diving, water-skiing, and rowing.『8words』

10、In couch-surfing time, two months was an epoch.『8words』



11、Skateboarding: At first, this sport was called" sidewalk surfing".『9words』

12、You can listen to your music while surfing the Web!『10words』

13、The beautiful beaches are good for water sports, including surfing.『10words』

14、Lovers of surfing& def sailing and scuba diving flock to the ocean.『12words』

15、Try not to be distracted by other people, checking email, phone, surfing the Internet.『14words』

16、Our technologies help speed up web surfing and keep users informed of download status.『14words』

17、In the the sports of kite surfing, safety of athlete needs to be a priority.『15words』

18、When you're chatting with members and guests over coffee, bring the talk round to their surfing habits.『17words』

19、In some ways, volcano surfing is like surfing in the sea, but in other ways, it's very different.『18words』

20、Hanke envisions much broader information, though, including consumer-oriented material such as the best dive spots and kite-surfing areas.『18words』



21、Hide your web surfing activities from prying eyes and snoops while using this website to surf the net anonymously.『19words』

22、They can often be found in the narrow British lanes leading to the surfing beaches in Cornwall in the summertime.『20words』

23、Many more people in the States are spending their free time surfing the web, emailing friends or playing games online.『20words』

24、Pianezzi, who said he has competed at the Dog Surfing World Championships, came up with the idea of surfing with an alpaca.『22words』

25、Weekends, or evenings, there's got to be a time that you spend in front of the TV or mindlessly surfing the Internet.『22words』

26、Not going to live with just a laptop and a mug - I'm not a fan of couch surfing or being a moocher.『23words』

27、With the popularization of the Internet and surfing the net with broadband, search engine likes a dark horse in China, and permeate through daily life day by day.『28words』

28、Before this innovation, anyone who became hooked on surfing had to live near the beach or, in the case of some of the Californians who pioneered modern surfing, on it.『30words』

29、Australia’s Gold Coast is a surfing paradise where grommets (Aussie slang for surfers) hang ten in the waves that flow into famous surfing beaches like the Spit, Surfers Paradise, and Mermaid Beach.『32words』

