

1、America continues to gorge.『4words』

2、“No! Yum, gorge, glut."『4words』

3、The precipitous gorge stunned us.『5words』

4、Wind was funnelling through the gorge.『6words』

5、The gorge was formed by a glacier.『7words』



6、An ice gorge has blocked the shipping lane.『8words』

7、Jesse followed the fence back toward the gorge.『8words』

8、Necessity and Function of Building up Three-gorge Logistics Center;『9words』

9、Construction of three gorge district private enterprise inner operation mechanism『10words』

10、A narrow gorge, usually with a stream flowing through it.『10words』



11、As we came out of the third gorge, the Xiling Gorge,『11words』

12、Ahead was the deep V of a gorge with water pouring down it.『13words』

13、Northern Arizona American-Indian tribes believe this gorge on Navajo land to be sacred.『13words』

14、Other kids gorge on13 food when they're feeling upset or sad or even bored.『14words』

15、Golden Silk Gorge, the most exciting is the first line of sky and crescent gorge.『15words』

16、The Research on the Pattern of Interactive Development Between Three-gorge Tourist Culture and Three-gorge Reservoir Tourism;『16words』

17、A deep gorge drops some 650 feet (198 meters) near the abandoned city of Araden, Crete.『16words』

18、In addition to magnificent scenery, the gorge provides a 2, 460-foot (750-meter) descent to the sea.『16words』

19、It is built in a huge gorge in the Mallamala hills and is over five hundred meters long.『18words』

20、Reverse your Meals: Most people don't eat breakfast, have a sandwich for lunch and gorge on a big dinner.『19words』



21、A warm afternoon, the second day of spring, but the air in the gorge had become cold and damp.『19words』

22、In Bjeezam village, voters waited amiably at a pollingstation in a heavenly wooded gorge by a crashing white stream.『19words』

23、A research on model of agriculture sustainable development in Guizhou Karst gorge areas --take Huajiang gorge area as an example;『20words』

24、The Influence of the Three-gorge Project on the Layout of the Tourist Industry in the Three-gorge Reservoir Region and the Countermeasures;『21words』

25、But those who take vitamin pills may be more likely to gorge on fast food and slob out on the sofa.『21words』

26、No sooner has the Yangtze passed Wu Gorge than, without stopping for breath, it rushes us on to the third gorge, Xiling.『22words』

27、Here is the end of the golden silk Gorge Scenic Spot, and also the cloud of the deep mountain gorge in Qinling Mountains.『23words』

28、Sailing aboard a ship in the gorge, one sees overhead only a narrow slit of sky with the pinnacles rising into the clouds.『23words』

29、Passing through Huishou Gorge, now known as Yan Wangtan. Yanwangtan Gorge is a natural gorge that is easy to enter and difficult to get out.『25words』

