

1、statute of limitations『3words』

2、equity of a statute『4words』

3、the statute of limitations『4words』

4、the statute of a university『5words』

5、The case was terminated by statute.『6words』



6、contracts offending against the statute were canceled.『7words』

7、The Court's statute ensures against unwarranted prosecutions.『7words』

8、Corporal punishment was banned by statute in 1987.『8words』

9、This statute created the National Wilderness Preservation System.『8words』

10、There are provisions for punishments in the statute.『8words』



11、A heading that names a document, statute, or proceeding.『9words』

12、A national statute might set a standard States would follow.『10words』

13、Emerging infectious diseases epidemic and international statute on infectious diseases control;『11words』

14、The statute is hardly a masterpiece of insightful policymaking or incisive drafting.『12words』

15、For it is a statute for Israel, An ordinance of the God of Jacob.『14words』

16、a separate section of a legal document (as a statute or contract or will).『14words』

17、And since a law is also called a statute, thus we have the statute mile.『15words』

18、In Weinberger, the goal of the statute was to eliminate water pollution to the extent practicable.『16words』

19、Thus, the inmate must demonstrate a legal basis for his expectancy, such as a statute or regulation;『17words』

20、A reading of the statute indicates that three requirements must be met before an EIS is necessary.『17words』



21、Therefore, EEC has revised its basic statute the "Treaty of Rome" and has adopted the "Single European Act".『18words』

22、In Donovan v. Dewey, 452 U.S. 594 (1981), the Court upheld a statute authorizing warrantless inspections in the mining industry.『20words』

23、In our legal system, for example, procedural law specifies the length of a statute of limitations for instituting a lawsuit.『20words』

24、Any claims by the Buyer, submitted for whatever legal reasons, shall become statute-barred pursuant to the provisions of the applicable laws.『21words』

25、Even when Congress has not acted, a state statute may run afoul of the dominant federal interest in the free flow of interstate commerce.『24words』

26、Pay close attention to the function of precedents while enacting statute, affirm the legal source position of precedents and establish our case law system quickly.『25words』

27、Two of the three objecting Justices—Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas—agreed with this Constitutional logic but disagreed about which Arizona rules conflicted with the federal statute.『25words』

28、The Court held that Robison escaped the statutory preclusion because he was not seeking review of an administrative decision under the statute, but rather was challenging the constitutionality of the statute itself.『32words』

29、Finding nothing in the language of the statute or its legislative history directly on point, the Court concluded that the issue was really one of how to best implement the general policies of the statute.『35words』

