

1、amphibious tracked carrier『3words』

2、a caterpillar-tracked earthmover.『3words』

3、Oceanographers once tracked waves.『4words』

4、Parker tracked down the Grossmans.『5words』

5、new snow tracked by rabbits; tracked vehicles.『7words』



6、Nearby cameras tracked the dogs' eye movements.『7words』

7、Costa development law to be tracked. Conclusion.『7words』

8、Mailboxes can now be tracked on the minimap.『8words』

9、Easy Locator can run hidden on the tracked device.『9words』

10、By devious means she tracked down the other woman.『9words』



11、Dinamo Zagreb youngster Josip Tadic is being tracked by Juventus.『10words』

12、anyone who did was tracked down, stigmatized and attacked politically.『10words』

13、This unique longitudinal study tracked dietary intake by 1253 mother-child pairs.『11words』

14、The scientists tracked white storks from different colonies in Europe and Africa.『12words』

15、Vowing revenge, he got hold of a gun and tracked down his tormentor.『13words』

16、They tried to zombify Hex as well, but he escaped and tracked them down again.『15words』

17、The SMS communication between the tracking device and the tracked device is hidden and not logged.『16words』

18、By this macro behavior model, the black trace on the white background in high speed can be tracked.『18words』

19、French researchers, writing in the journal Neurology, tracked the diets of 8, 085 men and women over age 65.『19words』

20、But researchers who tracked 2,500 women over ten years found no difference between their brainpower before and during their pregnancies.『20words』



21、The scientists said they tracked the frogs by their call, a series of "harsh rasping notes" that began at sundown.『20words』

22、The comprehensiveness of the program is expanded by user-defined fields that allow special needs of the church to be tracked.『20words』

23、In this case, management is not aware of all the parameters related to actual work performed being tracked comparably against estimates.『21words』

24、First off there is a quick introduction to de-lensing the plates, and getting them tracked, including a workflow for re-applying the lens distortion.『23words』

25、Thousands of pieces of rubbish are to be tracked using electronic tags, as researchers attempt to map the eventual destinations of household waste.『23words』

26、I tracked all my tasks and timed them the week before he left, then used his machine and tracked how much time I was saving.『25words』

27、This way, every code change is tracked to the person that made the change, and code inspections are scheduled and tracked against every code change.『25words』

28、While genetic serial Numbers enable the cells to be tracked, the genetic locks created in these "tamper proof" cells prevent enemies from reprogramming the cells.『25words』

29、The problem with answering this question is that people normally are not tracked - but today we are tracked thanks to the phones we carry with us.『27words』

