

1、census undercount『2words』

2、automatic traffic census scheme『4words』

3、Uncle Sam's census takers do.『5words』

4、The intricacies of a census form.『6words』

5、arranged in order of census population『6words』



6、take a census (of the population)『6words』

7、So the company undertook its own census.『7words』

8、India launched the 2011 census last year.『7words』

9、This year's census had its share of controversy.『8words』

10、No Brian, I think you mean for the census.『9words』



11、In census management, census migration system has been impacted badly.『10words』

12、A sensible man's sensor is sensitive to nonsense on census.『10words』

13、The example in the article is based on census data.『10words』

14、the reform of census register system as well as other systems;『11words』

15、He does recognize the preconceptions of the census enumerators influenced the census.『12words』

16、The sample was weighted by race and gender, based on census information.『12words』

17、There are no census figures for these people , only uninformed guesses.『12words』

18、I'm here to conduct the annual census of foreigners living in Beijing.『12words』

19、Village census records for the last half of the 1600's are remarkably complete.『13words』

20、These projections reconcile the results of a full census in 2000 and a mini-census in 2005.『16words』



21、The census figures show a large number of young people listed as homeless on the night the census was taken.『20words』

22、To get ready for the 2000 census, the Census Bureau has conducted dress rehearsals in three sites around the United States.『21words』

23、If a census taker has not visited your home or you have a question about your participation with the census, call your census office.『24words』

24、At present, 55 orphans' census registers have been transferred to the orphanage, and 61 orphans' census registers are still belong to the birth location.『24words』

25、The real estate statistics of China should cover the whole industry, adding topics on housing consumption and execute the matching housing census with population census.『25words』

26、Article 9 Respondents of economic census have the obligation to accept the survey conducted in accordance with the law by economic census bodies and economic census personnel.『27words』

27、If you don't send back your form, you may receive a visit from a census taker. If a census taker visits you, here's what you should do.『27words』

28、China's first census in 10, five-year one percent population sampling survey (called on the census), due to China's great population base, the determination of the total fertility rate is never easy.『31words』

29、In May, Shangshu Province asked for a census of household registration throughout the country. Later, Yushitai believed that locusts were being caught everywhere and that the people were laborious. The census of household registration should be slowed down slightly.『39words』

