


2、not announced or openly acknowledged.『5words』

3、The lawyer was openly sarcastic.『5words』

4、Prostitutes solicited openly in the streets.『6words』

5、Listen openly to their opposing opinion.『6words』



6、I was openly solicited at Piccadilly Circus.『7words』

7、Republican leaders openly voted for Italy Americans.『7words』

8、She was openly hostile towards her parents.『7words』

9、He had never heard it openly discussed before.『8words』

10、These little affairs should be spoken of openly.『8words』



11、He's openly contemptuous of all the major political parties.『9words』

12、Children live by their instincts openly and without hesitation.『9words』

13、“Why kidnap her when they could employ her openly?" asked.『10words』

14、I am going to say what I think of him openly and publicly.『13words』

15、When I speak assertively, I state my feelings openly, without being rude or demanding.『14words』

16、She smiled openly then, and, for the first time in months, my spirit lifted.『14words』

17、We were not talking to each other as openly and candidly as we should.『14words』

18、The counter revolutionary thugs thought that the time had come and fought openly and openly.『15words』

19、Get rid of a strong feeling or desire by expressing it openly or trying to fulfil it『17words』

20、It speaks of our interconnectedness and ability to openly share, affirming one another and resisting attempts to diminish others.『19words』



21、If the why and how of Extras can be discussed more openly, perhaps they can become more universally attainable.『19words』

22、It's hard for people to believe that your price is the lowest when you compete so openly with other retailers.『20words』

23、Being honest about a relationship, and communicating more openly with children can help families tide over such crises, Zuo says.『20words』

24、Nobody loves the NBA like Los Angeles, yet do you know how many people I have heard openly worrying about the lockout?『22words』

25、The public denunciation of Berlusconi that ensued wasn't the first time the usually private Lario openly complained about her husband's reported flirtations.『22words』

26、Mr Pariser’s thesis is noteworthy because in contrast with Mr Morozov’s gleeful iconoclasm, he is critiquing the internet from an openly progressive starting-point.『23words』

27、Second, it shows that the Central Propaganda Department has already openly scrapped the last semblance of" practice is the standard by which truth is proved.『25words』

28、This does not mean that ambition is at an end, that people no longer feel its stirrings and promptings, but only that, no longer openly honored, it is less openly professed.『31words』

29、 Television is really a good thing. It can make people stare at it. It can stare at it, stare at it openly and stare at it. It can empty your mind openly and think about what you want to do.『41words』

