

1、It's Grandma's recipe.『3words』

2、This recipe seems to work.『5words』

3、What's your recipe for success?『5words』

4、What's her recipe for success?『5words』

5、a fail-safe recipe for cheese souffle.『6words』



6、Best recipe for the disinfectant wash-spray.『6words』

7、Pepper Popper recipe now requires cheese.『6words』

8、Here's a recipe for preserving fruit.『6words』

9、The recipe calls for oodles of melted chocolate.『8words』

10、Here is a recipe for a great Turkey sandwich.『9words』



11、Special thanks to Lee Kum Kee for the recipe.『9words』

12、A recipe for soul,a sad melody of life--Rereading Red Recipe;『10words』

13、But consider the aforementioned example of sorting by recipe type.『10words』

14、My favorite recipe for potato salad is made with miracle whip or mayonnaise.『13words』

15、We'll have to get this recipe. - it sounds so quaint, doesn't it?『13words』

16、For example, to create a recipe DSL, you need a way to capture quantities.『14words』

17、Well, I'm going to do the same analogy to a real recipe. So, real recipe.『15words』

18、Generally speaking, this package of policies is somewhat similar to the comprehensive treatment of TCM recipe.『16words』

19、Don't knock it until you try it!! You'll never go back to that boring recipe again.『16words』

20、My girlfriend had gotten some marinade recipe off the Internet and among it's ingredient list was vinegar.『17words』



21、Conciusion: BuXuHuoXue recipe is an efficient recipe for CRF, it can improve blood circulation and restore kidney's function.『18words』

22、Recipe constructs can be built by using either a text editor or a tool specifically geared to develop recipe constructs.『20words』

23、Daredevil: "I am burning Yeah according to recipe. Recipe practice is for four people, and we have only two people."『20words』

24、And everybody will fight to the death to prove their recipe is the best recipe - even though their knowledge is usually based on rumor.『25words』

25、For thousands of years, in our country folk circulates the very rich, simple and therapeutic treatments difficult-disease kinds of, secret recipe, prescription, recipe books works voluminous.『26words』

26、Only a few KFC executives know the second secret recipe and they have all signed confidentiality agreements to keep the recipe as secret as the Colonel's Original Recipe.『28words』

27、A new jewelcrafting recipe has been added to transform many green quality gems into a single random blue quality gem. This recipe is available from grandmaster jewelcrafting trainers.『28words』

28、The original recipe called for white rum, sugar and lime juice, but my favorite recipe is from the Floridita Bar in Havana called the Papa Doble: See the Hemingway Daiquiri.『30words』

29、A recipe construct is analogous to a cooking recipe, in which ingredients are used in a set of steps that you must follow in a consistent sequence to arrive at a finished dish.『33words』


下一篇:on the news造句,用on the news怎么造句子(29句)