

1、This car handles well.『4words』

2、postal service that handles packages.『5words』

3、How Flex handles commit changes?『5words』

4、This ESQL handles the initial request.『6words』

5、Part 2 handles semaphores and events.『6words』



6、He gave the handles a few turns.『7words』

7、The car handles well in any weather.『7words』

8、SCA handles the infrastructure details for you.『7words』

9、This is the engine that handles the redirects.『8words』

10、Dr. Zhao handles his cases with great care.『8words』



11、The SOAP domain handles inbound MTOM messages automatically.『8words』

12、Dual handles with an attachable and adjustable shoulder strap.『9words』

13、Lisp also handles conditional constructs such as the if statement.『10words』

14、The OleControlSite object variable handles the interaction with the ActiveX control.『11words』

15、The region USES a remote server that handles the cached data.『11words』

16、Trapezoidal in shape with 2 handles for easy transportation, covered in black industrial carpet.『14words』

17、These little black squares, shown in Figure 19-11, are called resize handles (or, simply, handles).『15words』

18、Some toilet flush handles also had bacteria comparable to what was found on the floor.『15words』

19、One canister handles the fuel tank vapors, and the other handles the carburetor float -bowl vapors.『16words』

20、The first thing that catches your eye is the incredible mother of pearl handles with piquet.『16words』



21、Pointer to an array of icon handles that receives handles to the small ICONS extracted from the file.『18words』

22、China Wenzhou Huihuang Metals Limited product high quality metals, door lock, mortise lock , door handles, rosette door handles series.『20words』

23、The Finance department handles invoicing, the Production department handles production scheduling and product manufacturing, and the Shipping department handles shipping orders to customers.『23words』

24、The handles of the shopping bag are made of transparent fishing line, wich makes it look like it is being held without handles.『23words』

25、The latch plate permits the valve to be locked in any of the10 positions on DIT handles or in any position on IOL handles.『24words』

26、The door handles and trim. Clean with a cloth dampened with soapy water. Dry with a soft cloth. Do not use wax on the door handles and trim.『28words』

27、The longer those handles are, the easier it is going to be to lift up the load. If you had really short handles, you would have poor mechanical advantage.『29words』

28、3D applications make use of many idioms such as drag handles and vertex handles that have been adapted from 2D to 3D. However, there are some special issues surrounding 3D input. Drag thresholds『33words』

29、Modern designs use at least three partitions: a presentation module that handles all user-interface logic, a business logic module that takes care of data processing and integration issues, and a DBMS that handles all details of data management.『38words』

