1、Dawn merged into day.『4words』
2、Twilight merged into total darkness.『5words』
3、they become merged in the sea,『6words』
4、Is code merged automatically or manually?『6words』
5、The two countries merged into one.『6words』
6、An Autofilter range cannot contain merged cells.『7words』
7、Cannot remove border of a merged cell.『7words』
8、2. Acquired by or merged with other institution(s);『8words』
9、The interests are merged into unemployment insurance funds.『8words』
10、The small banks were merged into one large organization.『9words』
11、Rate of rows merged or inserted into an aggregation.『9words』
12、Now all four companies have merged into aerospace titan Boeing.『10words』
13、Our own Milky Way was probably created when mini-galaxies like these merged.『12words』
14、The selected cells cannot be merged. The range partially intersects a merged cell.『13words』
15、Dynamic Web services can also be applied to changes in merged brokering services.『13words』
16、And the lordship of Ireland was merged for good in the crown of England.『14words』
17、That should immediately be merged down to R2.4, and merged from there down to mainline.『15words』
18、The bos image is restored and the device database is merged (similar to a conventional migration).『16words』
19、Then in 2000, both EAPPI and IPPIA merged to form the Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association (PPTA).『16words』
20、Because of the river's left depositing and right scouring, the Xianfenzhou merged to the left bank becoming frontage.『18words』
21、If CSN prevails, the merged firm's combined net debt will more than double as a share of cashflow.『18words』
22、Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre merged with Shanghai People's Art Theatre and Shanghai Youth Repertory Theatre built in 1995.『18words』
23、As of the end of 2008, a small percentage of the merged DeltaNorthwest's planes dated back to the late 1960s.『20words』
24、They can also be merged when back on the server, so the merged instance can be reused as a classical detached entity.『22words』
25、With merged backups, if a recovery is needed on Friday, you can restore everything from Thursday's merged backup along with the transaction logs.『23words』
26、Some of these creator gods married and merged their lines, just as on the European continent different monarchs and royal families have married and merged their kingdoms.『27words』
27、Once the companies are merged, the creditor' s rights and debtor' s liabilities of the merged companies shall be assumed by the surviving company or the newly formed company after merger.『31words』
28、If more than two cubes are required to be aggregated, they can be merged in pairs. The resulting virtual cubes can be merged with other cubes as shown in Figure 1.『31words』
29、Perhaps in the near future, processors and memory will be merged onto a single chip, just as the micro- processor first merged the separate components of a processor onto a single chip.『32words』