

1、A toilet or restroom.『4words』

2、Where is the restroom『4words』

3、Where is the washroom(restroom,elevator)?『4words』

4、a public restroom for men.『5words』

5、Can I borrow your restroom『5words』



6、When do you typically use the restroom『7words』

7、Do you need to use the restroom『7words』

8、Before I leave, I need to visit the restroom.『9words』

9、Also, don't you occasionally need to use the restroom『9words』

10、The restroom is just over there, beside the crosswalk.『9words』



11、The girl went into the restroom with a blush.『9words』

12、Ellis lies dead on the floor of the restroom.『9words』

13、I found an expensive diamond ring in the restroom this morning.『11words』

14、Suddenly, a man comes into the restroom and chokes Ellis as he's talking.『13words』

15、All you remember about your child being two is never using the restroom alone.『14words』

16、At this point, you must excuse me; I have to go to the restroom.『14words』

17、Experts recommend carrying hand gels to clean your hands in case you can't use the restroom.『16words』

18、He thought that if he hid in the restroom, he could ride to New York without paying.『17words』

19、Are you sure that the WC in Milan subway station means restroom? Or WC is actually Italian?『17words』

20、The survey found that just 2 percent of office workers go to the restroom to "hide or get away."『19words』



21、When you feel your fever worsen, head to the restroom. Go to a cubicle and force yourself to puke.『19words』

22、My mom needed to use the restroom in the funeral home, so while she was gone, I went exploring.『19words』

23、When the students occupied the room in protest, he ordered his security guards to smash the only restroom near to hand.『21words』

24、If you need a drink or to go to the restroom, you should raise your hand and ask for the teachers permission.『22words』

25、The liaisons primarily occurred in a staff restroom inthe housing unit at the Federal Prison Camp in Florence, Colorado, according to the agreement.『23words』

26、In France as well as in Eastern countries, if you're dining and need to clear your nasal passages, excuse yourself and head to the restroom.『25words』

27、He did not think of this much at first but soon after when he was roaming the house he saw Mai and his wife by the restroom whispering.『28words』

28、It was July 2003, an elderly woman asked her to take care of the baby girl in her arms while she went to use the nearby public restroom, but the woman never returned.『33words』

29、This may not be as easy as putting a Babel Fish in your ear, but it's far easier than scrambling through a pocket dictionary and taking minutes to ask where is the restroom『33words』

