

1、a boxer of stalwart build『5words』

2、give the team stalwart support『5words』

3、They suffered from stalwart resistance.『5words』

4、The prince is tall and stalwart.『6words』

5、stalwart supporter of a political party『6words』



6、proud of her stalwart, good-looking son『6words』

7、What kind of a stalwart tree ah?『7words』

8、[Formal] big and tall; straight and tall; stalwart『8words』

9、Let me introduce Bob, one of the club's stalwart.『9words』

10、Republicans are viewed as more stalwart defenders of free trade.『10words』



11、Father is always the most stalwart person in my mind.『10words』

12、He had a stalwart figure and walked with an air.『10words』

13、the stalwart citizens at Lexington; a stalwart supporter of the UN; stout hearts.『13words』

14、I knew I was never in any danger with my stalwart bodyguard around me.『14words』

15、After the revolution, MEK was amongst the most stalwart supporters of the clerical regime.『14words』

16、Along the borderlands, knights are the stalwart commanders of peasant militias, caravan guards and adventuring groups.『16words』

17、Two stalwart girls came down the library steps and out through one of the iron gates.『16words』

18、hardy explorers of northern Canada; proud of her tall stalwart son; stout seamen; sturdy young athletes.『16words』

19、Ironically, the biggest bone of contention there is between two stalwart Allies, the United States and Canada.『17words』

20、The father is a big umbrella, in rainy days holding. Love is a mountain, tall and stalwart.『17words』



21、Kodak, long a stalwart of the photography industry, has been tweaking its ways over the past couple of years.『19words』

22、This has led to fierce resistance, with the No campaign, co-chaired by a Republican stalwart of credibility, George Shultz.『19words』

23、Yet they fell to the lure of Sargeras' evil - and now they have become our most stalwart enemies.『19words』

24、“Flight will perish from the swift, And the stalwart will not strengthen his power, Nor the mighty man save his life.『21words』

25、She remembered, when I got married, she was proud of him, he is tall, stalwart, she likes like a kitten nestled in his arms.『24words』

26、Please be stalwart in your journey. We need you and rely upon your Light, Love and service as we co-create the New Earth together.『24words』

27、When the rebels stormed into Muammar Qaddafi's fortress of Bab al-Aziziya they expected to find more people than just the stalwart leader and his family.『25words』

28、I recommend that you make liberal use of the stalwart man command any time you're confused or simply want to learn about a new tool.『25words』

29、And I should like to look into the loyal, trusting eyes of my dogs - the grave, canny little Scottie, Darkie, and the stalwart, understanding Great Dane, Helga, whose warm, tender, and playful friendships are so comforting to me.『39words』

