

1、Make several copies.『3words』

2、Those are reprinted copies.『4words』

3、The photocopier can make copies.『5words』

4、Make the imperfect copies up『5words』

5、She copies everything her sister does.『6words』



6、Blue ink never copies as well.『6words』

7、The child is doing his copies.『6words』

8、And I didn't bring any spare copies.『7words』

9、Clones are exact genetic copies of organisms.『7words』

10、The freedom to redistribute copies of the software.『8words』



11、autograph copies for the guests at the opening?『8words』

12、The famous composer autographed copies of his music.『8words』

13、It also copies and forwards methods defined by Order.『9words』

14、Could you run (me) off twenty copies of the agenda?『10words』

15、Only original copies are admitted to the exhibition, reproductions or xerox copies are not admissible.『15words』

16、National and provincial newspapers issued 23 billion copies; magazines, 3 billion copies; and books, 6.8 billion copies.『17words』

17、National and provincial newspapers issued 19.5 billion copies; magazines, 2.5 billion copies; and books, 7.3 billion copies.『17words』

18、The original Contracts are in two copies; each part keeps one of two original copies after signature.『17words』

19、They can be made from black and white copies, color copies and printed images on glossy stock.『17words』

20、At a glance, at least, the copies would look like copies of a regular, unrestricted Social Security card.『18words』



21、fees for inspecting the register and for copies of or extracts from entries in the register or copies of『19words』

22、Documents:Full set negotiable clean on Board ocean B/L in 3 copies. Signed commercial invoice in 3 copies; Packing list/weight memo in 3 copies『23words』

23、All copies of the invoice shall be filled out at one time and the content and amount on all copies shall be consistent;『23words』

24、The comments found at someplaces of this copy prove unacceptable Hu Shi's assertion that only handwritten copies with commentsshould be regarded as" true copies" or" original copies".『27words』

25、Most cells in your body have two copies of every chromosome and, therefore, two copies of every gene: one from your mother and one from your father.『27words』

26、Distribution of color pages the day of a total of more than 220 copies, distributing promotional gifts of more than 100 copies, accept their advice hundred people.『27words』

27、national and provincial newspapers with a circulation of 20.3 billion copies, magazines with a circulation of 2.85 billion copies, and books with a circulation of 6.35 billion copies『28words』

28、This contract is made four copies, each party hold two copies. The annex hereto is an integral part of this contract and being equal authentic with text hereof.『28words』

29、You can update copies of these media as a part of synchronizing a media copy set. To update media copies, right-click Media on the console, and then click Synchronize Media Copies.『31words』

