

1、I was inwardly furious.『4words』

2、inwardly grateful, relieved, etc『4words』

3、She hates him inwardly.『4words』

4、Yes, they are slanted inwardly.『5words』

5、And I shall bleed inwardly.『5words』



6、But inwardly he felt dismayed.『5words』

7、Life that changes you inwardly.『5words』

8、Miss Tourism are pretty outwardly and inwardly.『7words』

9、They look strong but are inwardly weak.『7words』

10、To tilt(an aircraft)laterally and inwardly in flight.『7words』



11、What we achieve inwardly will change outer really.『8words』

12、Thus we become more and more externalized and inwardly empty.『10words』

13、He pretended to be affronted, but inwardly he was pleased.『10words』

14、At any moment he wishes, one can refer directly to an inwardly felt datum.『14words』

15、to feel apprehensive because one is not on solid ground; to be inwardly guilty『14words』

16、She hopes inwardly, but is afraid that all of it is just a dream.『14words』

17、When a person does not grieve properly these feelings are internalised and end up as inwardly-directed anger.『17words』

18、Mt.7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.『18words』

19、It appears this is the constant swing from one object of satisfaction to another, physically as well as inwardly.『19words』

20、Mt. 23:28 so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.『19words』



21、Man is therefore conditioned by diverse forces - inwardly through psychological factors and outwardly through physical, environmental, and circumstantial influences.『20words』

22、It would be less painful to part if he and Romola were outwardly as well as inwardly pledged to each other.『21words』

23、In very few cases can one person be both a product owner (tactical inwardly-focused role) and a product manager (strategic outwardly-focused role).『22words』

24、Buddha advised us to turn inwardly, to find the truth of the Dharma within this fleshly body, there's no need to change or destroy anything.『25words』

25、So far I have governed myself thoroughly. I have acted as I inwardly swore I would act; but further might try me beyond my strength.『25words』

26、Knife folding method of folding sheets of paper by means of a knife pushing the sheet through a pair of inwardly rotating rollers see buckle folding.『26words』

27、There exists a universal phenomenon of more aspects being assimilated in philosophy whether viewed inwardly from its existential state and research line or outwardly from its nature and function.『29words』

28、When I saw a fellow student desperately trying to push her heels down at the expense of keeping her shoulders rotated back and her thighs pulled up, I sneered inwardly: Newbie!『31words』

29、He was severely crippled and very short, and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare. I would inwardly squirm at the shy and unwanted attention.『33words』

