

1、Again, such timidity is misplaced.『5words』

2、They mocked at his timidity.『5words』

3、They mocked at my timidity.『5words』

4、Meekness is neither weakness nor timidity.『6words』

5、They mocked at me (my timidity).『6words』



6、Shyness, timidity or nervousness should be penalized.『7words』

7、Much of his bluster rose from timidity.『7words』

8、Samsung's success was not born of timidity either.『8words』

9、To draw Back, as from timidity or horror『8words』

10、He had a terrible time in overcoming his timidity.『9words』



11、The quality or state of being diffident; timidity or shyness.『10words』

12、We laughed at the enemies for their timidity and incapacity.『10words』

13、An impulse of feeling now overcame her timidity, and Hetty spoke.『11words』

14、She the good elephant don't have hostility, timidity and then oddness.『11words』

15、The new dancer smiled with a charming air of maidenly timidity and artlessness.『13words』

16、My timidity and funny, and let our house yard is full of laughter.『13words』

17、There is always timidity behind all madness, and extreme timidity can turn into madness.『14words』

18、The fierceness of a lion, the timidity of a rabbit, the cunning of a fox…『15words』

19、I did not give you a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discpline.『19words』

20、Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.『19words』



21、Careful and careful is clear, overcautious is timidity. It is bravery to face difficulties, and to find trouble is presumptuous.『20words』

22、What clogs the channel is laziness, inattention, timidity, the propensity to lie to oneself, to avoid looking straight at a situation.『21words』

23、For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. (2ti 1:7).『22words』

24、We also found a place for timidity, squatting on the rocks in turn, laughing at the river, and then taking pictures for collection forever.『24words』

25、Then our sense of timidity can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and not to take a step until we know the ground is safe.『26words』

26、Seeing the ugly look on Hung-chien's face, Mrs. Fang feared a clash between father and son, and asked quickly with sly timidity, "What about that Miss Su?『27words』

27、Right and wrong, some people, just some people, because of cowardice, because timidity, regret too late, regret can not keep up with, can only become less and less confident.『29words』

28、In those completely unfamiliar areas, choose to go ahead, do not care about time, do not think of loneliness, no outline and content of the timidity, has been going on.『30words』

29、I feel happy, so happy that my timidity flees and I fix my eyes directly upon him several times, but he doesn't notice it. He asks after my health and when I tell him I'm fully recovered he smiles unbelievingly.『40words』

