




4、The hunter snared a skunk.『5words』

5、such as skunk, chowder, and squash.『6words』



6、They'll take skunk urine extract any day.『7words』

7、Take your hands off me, you skunk『7words』

8、A keen smell of skunk was left behind.『8words』

9、Anytime I see a skunk I just run away.『9words』

10、Did she also take the skunk to her bosom?『9words』



11、How could you cheat your own children, you skunk『9words』

12、Go away! Zap! The skunk goes away. But the stink is still here.『13words』

13、The skunk helps farmers by eating the rodents that chew on their crops.『13words』

14、small skunk with a marbled black and white coat; of United States and Mexico.『14words』

15、large naked-muzzled skunk with white back and tail; of southwestern North America and Mexico.『14words』

16、“Good," Frank said. "And, Tom, I need you to put your skunk works project on hold."『16words』

17、Because it doesn't make logical sense on the surface, skunk poking notwithstanding, it tends to get dismissed.『17words』

18、What's the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a crushed viola in the road?『17words』

19、If an idea from a skunk works fails, it can be buried quietly, and nobody gets hurt.『17words』

20、Researchers suspected the rat had a toxic defense system because of the skunk-like coloration on it's hindquarters.『17words』



21、A skunk sat on a stump. The skunk thought the stump stunk, and the stump thought the skunk stunk.『19words』

22、As a result, many are run over - half of all skunk deaths, in fact, are due to humans.『19words』

23、One night, running down a street near the Harvard campus, I encountered a skunk. It was standing in front of someone’s house.『22words』

24、A rat with a hat, on a trunk, with a skunk, in a house, with a mouse, and a panda in a blouse.『23words』

25、abject cowardice; a low stunt to pull; a low-down sneak; his miserable treatment of his family; You miserable skunk!; a scummy rabble; a scurvy trick.『25words』

26、This sweet smelling skunk never raises a stink. You won't have to hold your nose around this friendly critter. Note - wears a pine-scented deodorizer around her neck.『28words』

27、Then if there's an interest in one area, they can get skunk work people to get together, think about those areas and work together to bring products to the market.『30words』

28、I see a red fox, a flying squirrel, a mountain goat, a bule heron, a prairie dog, a striped skunk, a mule deer, a rattlesnake, a screech owl and my baby bear looking at me-that's what I see!『38words』

29、For those of you who live in areas where skunk smells can be an issue from time to time, one can of coke added to a bucket of water with detergent really helps to break the odor down.『38words』

