

1、Indeed, sometimes they flee.『4words』

2、Hester Prynne, therefore, did not flee.『6words』

3、To flee without leaving a trace『6words』

4、Foreign funds continue to flee from Asia.『7words』

5、Everyone seemed tense and ready to flee.『7words』



6、The ship tried its best to flee away successfully.『9words』

7、How oft from Phoebus they do flee to Pan;『9words』

8、The criminal was tipped off to flee in time.『9words』

9、to flee; to escape; to evade; to run away『9words』

10、“She would be polite, but she would flee from me."『10words』



11、Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!"『12words』

12、Said the flea, “Let us fly!” Said the fly, “Let us flee!”『12words』

13、The fighting forced nearly a million people to flee Swat to safer areas.『13words』

14、Follow love and it will flee thee, flee love and it will follow thee.『14words』

15、We tire of the flame of the meteor, before it can fade and flee『14words』

16、Flee from every symptom of this deadly foe as you would flee from a viper.『15words』

17、But undercover officers are watching. Before the boys can flee, the police close in on them.『16words』

18、No matter where they may flee, they must be brought to justice and punished according to law.『17words』

19、Antony tries to goad Octavian into single combat, but is finally forced to flee into the city.『17words』

20、Boko Haram's attacks (and unofficial reprisals by government forces) have persuaded many Maiduguri residents to flee the city.『18words』



21、The explosions happened in the middle of the night, causing enough of the distraction for 20 prisoners to flee.『19words』

22、The criminals can not escape the net of justice even if they flee to the remotest corners of the earth.『20words』

23、I accede to and organize, there is mysterious people's letter, send me a APTX4869, let me eat, flee from this place.『21words』

24、Aborigines were also forced to flee constant European influx into their homelands, marked by clashes during the "pacification campaign" of the 1880s.『22words』

25、She has told reporters that she hoped he would flee to a country that does not allow for extradition to the United States.『23words』

26、Shanghai South Railway Station is overcrowded, and Shanghai refugees are flocking to Shanghai, scrambling to flee, all of them want to flee from Shanghai.『24words』

27、Prior to the coalition bombing, conflict and violence in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya put the people living in the country in harms way, forcing many to flee.『27words』

28、Many powerful households have plundered the land of farmers, but the burden of taxation is still on the landless farmers, causing a large number of farmers to flee.『28words』

29、Then those in Judea must flee to the mountains, those inside the city must flee, - for these are the days of vengeance — I'm going quickly through this, you'll have to read over it yourself.『36words』

