

1、consular jurisdiction『2words』

2、Career consular officers『3words』

3、Chinese diplomatic and consular mission『5words』

4、The consular porter spoke peremptorily.『5words』

5、Original returned by the consular consignor.『6words』



6、the Consulate period of consular government in France『8words』

7、The consular official wore a rather solemn expression.『8words』

8、Ostensibly a consular employee, he is actually a spy.『9words』

9、The consular porter strode arrogantly ahead with his light swinging.『10words』

10、Consular officer training was improved and more consular procedures were standardized.『11words』



11、Article 13. The residence of a consular officer shall be inviolable.『11words』

12、So, He is your protector, your best friend and your wisest consular.『12words』

13、A provincial governor of consular rank in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire『13words』

14、Both sides also exchanged views on bilateral consular cooperation and other issues of common concern.『15words』

15、They are all someone a consular officer may interview in one day, even within one hour.『16words』

16、Members of the committee from different countries suggested their governments not abandon consular jurisdiction in China then.『17words』

17、He joined the consular service in China, chiefly because this was one of the few job vacancies.『17words』

18、The consular posts shall be divided into: consul general, deputy consul general, consul, vice consul, and consular attache.『18words』

19、Such inspection shall be conducted in the presence of the consular officer concerned or of his authorized representative.『18words』

20、A few years ago this might have been sorted out quietly as a consular issue. Not this time.『18words』



21、We as diplomats and officials working in the consular field have a critical role to play in this endeavor.『19words』

22、In the consular protection, the number, structure and quality of consular directly affect the implementation of results of consular services.『20words』

23、The four traveled to Egypt on Saturday, where they were taken in by French consular authorities, the French Foreign Ministry said.『21words』

24、“Consular premises" means the buildings or parts of buildings and the land ancillary thereto used exclusively for the purposes of the consular post.『23words』

25、“head of consular post" means the consul-general, consul, vice-consul or consular agent charged by the sending State with the duty of leading the consular post;『25words』

26、Applicants may apply in the consular district where they reside, or at any other consular office where the average wait time for the past month is shorter.『27words』

27、As well as serving the consular needs of Australians in the region, the consulate will facilitate Australia's support to the United Nations assistance mission in East Timor.『27words』

28、Within the framework of the Chinese law, we grant foreign citizens with due consular protection and guarantee the right of foreign consular missions in China to pay proper consular visits.『30words』

29、The HKSARG is responsible for the day-to-day management of consular corps, such as the issue of consular identity cards, actual provision of privileges and immunities and ensuring the security of consular premises.『32words』

