


2、It must be nurtured.『4words』

3、He nurtured a good son.『5words』

4、Be nurtured By loving parents『5words』

5、She has nurtured and sheltered us,『6words』



6、Most friends are slowly nurtured it!『6words』

7、have all along nurtured schemes to ...『7words』

8、These plants are nurtured in the thermostatic chamber.『8words』

9、Perhaps, it is the impact of osmosis, is profoundly nurtured.『10words』

10、We are nurtured by the healthy condition of Mother Earth.『10words』



11、You feel like you're there to get nurtured and pampered.『10words』

12、The earth trembles with ecstasy, life is reborn, all is nurtured.『11words』

13、Thirdly, a road safety culture must be nurtured and take roots here.『12words』

14、Their raw mental talents may then be nurtured better in some homes than others.『14words』

15、The dream I had was never nurtured and cared for, so it slowly died.『14words』

16、She has nurtured and sheltered us, and given us a stable and prosperous life.『14words』

17、Saxong has nurtured many well-known people. Great scientist Leibniz, composer Bach, and writer Lessing lived here.『16words』

18、I am thankful for my teachers who had taught, encouraged, and nurtured me throughout my formative years.『17words』

19、In these 5,000 long years, countless numbers of Chinese people have been nurtured with lofty and noble ideals.『18words』

20、Carefully nurtured it cannot do without the teacher, the children's progress every little bit are quietly engraved in our heart.『20words』



21、At least in my early childhood, it was this tradition of sentiment that nurtured my emotions with its poisonous sweetness.『20words』

22、In biological determinism, the questions which are raised by sociobiology fail to consider whether heredity or surrounding has nurtured human's nature;『21words』

23、With a long history, Hanjiang has nurtured generations of Hanzhong people, the culture of Hanzhong and even the culture of the Han nationality.『23words』

24、Deep down he always nurtured every true Englishman's dream of a rustic life, a dream that his entrepreneurial wealth has allowed him to satisfy.『24words』

25、The continent that has nurtured new human beings over the past millions of years seems to have reached out to prevent Yeg from escaping.『24words』

26、Having been fed on humanism in both the Hebrew and Greek literatures, the Humanist literature of the Renaissance had nurtured the motif of "man" for modern western literature.『28words』

27、The Yellow River is the cradle of the Chinese nation. This galloping river, with its sweet milk, has nurtured generations of Chinese children and nurtured a brilliant Chinese civilization.『29words』

28、In the meantime, once old people realize young people are nurtured in a new modern way, it is easy for them to be tolerant of young people's new habits or hobbies.『31words』

29、(A slave to the little King) By your pomp we are nurtured, and your vices give us bread. To toil for a hard master is bitter, but to have no master to toil for is more bitter still.『38words』

