

1、The rulers are new.『4words』

2、These are your rulers.『4words』

3、Dictators are arbitrary rulers.『4words』

4、an autocracy governed by two rulers.『6words』

5、How many rulers have they got?『6words』



6、How many rulers can you see?『6words』

7、He is one of the best rulers.『7words』

8、Most presidents in this African country are arbitrary rulers.『9words』

9、The rulers should consider the interests of the multitude.『9words』

10、They were welcomed at both places by the rulers.『9words』



11、The shop sells school things, like pencils, erasers and rulers.『10words』

12、The rulers would not let girls go to school then.『10words』

13、The legislative body had voted to oust the country's onetime rulers.『11words』

14、The shop sells a lot of things, like pencils, rulers, erases and so on.『14words』

15、From ancient times Chinese rulers have to contend with powerful non-Chinese neighbors and potential conquerors.『15words』

16、The Hindus were much impressed by the military power and political acumen of the new rulers.『16words』

17、It would be wrong to think that the majority of the Chinese people revolted against their rulers.『17words』

18、Yet I have no doubt that that people's rulers are as wise as the average of civilized rulers.『18words』

19、In order to make this tool more domesticated, our thoughts, morals, ethics and education serve only the rulers.『18words』

20、Ancient inscriptions are typically found on royal monuments or on lavish tombs, commemorating rulers and other official figures.『18words』



21、Didn't rulers of the past proclaim good policies? The problem is they never put their policies into effect.『18words』

22、By the 17th century, the rulers of Europe had started using fireworks as a way of marking royal occasions.『19words』

23、Justice is nothing more or less right than what benefits the rulers, the rulers who determine the laws of justice.『20words』

24、So stood the two companies of them that gave thanks in the house of God, and I, and the half of the rulers with me.『25words』

25、The rulers of the outlying provinces went their own ways and Kublai's successors, able and benevolent rulers though they were, could not hold the empire together.『26words』

26、“Make the nations ready for war against her, the king of the Medes and his rulers and all his captains, and all the land under his rule."『27words』

27、Ming period, the rulers take high-handed policy, the integrity of the conduct of civilian suffered a tremendous blow, especially Fangxiaoru death to the then civilian rulers have serious attitude.『29words』

28、Eph. 6:12 For our wrestling is not against blood and flesh but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies.『33words』

29、“So they were put into groups, by the Lord's decision, one with another; for there were rulers of the holy place and rulers of the house of God among the sons of Eleazar and the sons of Ithamar."『38words』

