

1、I can lengthen my legs.『5words』

2、We can lengthen the leg.『5words』

3、I need to lengthen this skirt.『6words』

4、But, the time will not lengthen.『6words』

5、Save time is to lengthen life.『6words』



6、She had to lengthen her stirrup leathers.『7words』

7、Make regular rinse to lengthen its service life.『8words』

8、The two-way communication can lengthen the dialogue limitlessly.『8words』

9、As sunset nears, cloud shadows lengthen, highlighting their structure.『9words』

10、Would you care to lengthen your article out a little?『10words』



11、Because pregnancy can actually lengthen and widen a woman's feet.『10words』

12、As winter gave way to spring, the days began to lengthen.『11words』

13、Pull the skin up the front of your torso to lengthen it.『12words』

14、As a result, the alternative of global element names would lengthen tags.『12words』

15、What can shorten time? Activities. What can lengthen time uneasily to endure? Comfort.『13words』

16、First, it is important to elongate or lengthen the spine to bring it back to center.『16words』

17、Measure for measure.53. Saying is one thing and doing another.53. To save time is to lengthen life.『17words』

18、There has been deregulation, to lengthen shopping hours and to coax the long-term unemployed back into work.『17words』

19、RESULTS Jiaoai decoction could shorten BT with cut tail mice(Pcould shorten CT(Pplasma RT(Pplasma PT(Pand could lengthen ELT(Pin rabbits.『18words』

20、Even so, they are often given AZT, a drug believed to lengthen the lives of those with full-blown AIDS.『19words』



21、 Walking under the dim street lamp, the lights lengthen and lengthen the shadow, pull it short and lengthen it.『20words』

22、Water is also used as a coolant for rolling - mill rolls to maintain their contour and lengthen their service life .『22words』

23、“However, in some small engines, the cylinder walls are plated with chromium, a very hard metal, to reduce wall wear and lengthen their life."『24words』

24、Conclusion We must lengthen the time of local press the pinpoint for at least 8 min in order to reduce the bleeding of pinpoint.『24words』

25、Here is not only to be able to make people relax in the space through different lighting, lengthen the distance to the bathroom sense.『24words』

26、The enterprise of changzhou lengthen medical equipment engineering co. , ltd. offers you dialysis, dialysis filter and piping as well as the further plasma and flux.『26words』

27、Conventional wisdom would seem to suggest that companies have no incentive to lengthen the life cycle of their products and reduce the revenue they would get from selling new goods.『30words』

28、Core muscle exercises lengthen the muscles that have contracted as a result of pain. It also prevents pain from vigorous exercise if they are included at the end of each workout.『31words』

29、In theory the linear city is allowed to lengthen without limit, but in the reality, if the city is excessively long, it will be difficult to get each part of the city in touch with each other.『37words』

