

1、Synthetic rubbers--Specimen preparation『3words』

2、Where's me rubbers『3words』

3、Codification of types for synthetic rubbers『6words』

4、Fluoro carbon rubbers. Class 60. Characteristics.『6words』

5、You'd better wear rubbers, for it's raining.『7words』



6、Cellular plastics and rubbers--Determination of linear dimensions『7words』

7、Cellular plastics and rubbers--Determination of apparent (bulk) density『8words』

8、These rubbers need repairing; they're letting in water.『8words』

9、Hot rubbers are branched and contain some crosslinked gel.『9words』

10、There are some rubbers and a book in the bag.『10words』



11、Combustible: Generalgarbage,plant waste,plastics,rubbers,tires,dying and finishing industrial waste,plastic foam,polystyrene,resins,discarded engine oil.『10words』

12、I have two rubbers. One is white, the other is red.『11words』

13、The results showed that the scorch safety of polybutadiene rubbers was good;『12words』

14、These are the two basic rubbers once speed glues have been banned.『12words』

15、Looks: it's a lovely blade, that looks really nice especially with the rubbers on.『14words』

16、As the game proceeded the conversation ceased, excepting between the rubbers, when it revived again.『15words』

17、Recent progress in the research of blends and composites of epoxidized natural rubbers (ENR) was reviewed with 11references.『18words』

18、Synthetic organic polymers include many plastics, including polyethylene, the nylons, polyurethanes, polyesters, vinyls (e. g., PVC), and synthetic rubbers.『19words』

19、Its physical model is based-on deep understanding of cloth material property that differs from rubbers and other elastic materials.『19words』

20、Polyurethane rubbers are noted for their high toughness, good strength and wear properties and good oil and oxidation resistance.『19words』



21、But now tough, new rubbers have come to the rescue. Moreover, these rubbers are not being used just as pads.『20words』

22、The elastic resistance of the side seal rubbers and unit stiffness ratio for girder to column are considered in this study.『21words』

23、The paper products are used extensively for packing garments, electric facilities for family use, five metals, plastics, rubbers, leisure products and food etc.『23words』

24、The source of the bouquet so many buyers find appealing is in the various solvents, adhesives, plastics, rubbers and fabrics used in car construction.『24words』

25、Despite the invention of synthetic rubbers, there is often no good substitute for the real thing, for nothing artificial yet matches natural rubber's resilience and strength.『26words』

26、YUNG" brand rubbers have already been affirmed by the China Table Tennis Association as the best Type of rubbers, approved by the ITTF for use in international competitions.『28words』

27、The network structure of rubbers is a predominant factor affecting rubber performance and the network structure is characterized mainly by the crosslink density and the crosslink bond type.『28words』

28、“ Antioxidant: Any of various compounds added to certain foods, natural and synthetic rubbers, gasolines, and other products to retard autoxidation (combination with oxygen in the air at room temperature) and its effects."『33words』

29、So Meg reclined, with rubbers well hidden, and Jo went blundering away to the dining room, which she found after going into a china closet, and opening the door of a room where old Mr.『35words』

