

1、resite of hawker stalls『4words』

2、The stalls are cleaned daily.『5words』

3、One of the fruit stalls.『5words』

4、Pipeline stalls because of other reasons.『6words』

5、When you're busy, that creativity stalls.『6words』



6、The stalls were like a nightmare March Fair.『8words』

7、Arti sans' stalls and palaces stand side by side.『9words』

8、Only if the process stalls is an error returned.『9words』

9、About 700,000 people had their homes or stalls destroyed.『9words』

10、In more recent years he worked on London market stalls.『10words』



11、Finally I came across a small market space that housed several stalls.『12words』

12、But, once again, if the economy stalls, even corporate bonds may become cheaper.『13words』

13、Enter the radius of curvature, as measured from the inside of the stalls.『13words』

14、Hundreds of food stalls in this street stock with everything from shish kebab to soup.『15words』

15、You notice that files start disappearing, the system stalls, runs slowly, or even crashes frequently.『15words』

16、The village potters now make only small disposable cups for the tea-stalls in the village bazaar.『16words』

17、Workers brought vitality to the city, and the hawker stalls and restaurants will bring vitality to the city.『18words』

18、As the sun sets, chefs set up food stalls, and the square transforms into a huge open-air restaurant.『18words』

19、The startled horse charged about blindly, upsetting a row of ped1ars' stalls at the side of the street.『18words』

20、The owners of roast mutton stalls, steamed buns stalls and baking powder stalls greet guests and shout at them.『19words』



21、The place where the stalls were laid out during the day was empty and there was no trace left.『19words』

22、On market fairs in Nagqu, the number of stalls selling fruit and vegetable exceeds that of beef and mutton stalls.『20words』

23、The road there are a variety of stallsstalls toys, video stalls, fruit stalls... every stalls are around a lot of people.『22words』

24、The wet streets are springing up with stalls. Perhaps the characteristics of each city are different, but the stalls are roughly the same.『23words』

25、The bathroom is segmented into three parts to provide areas for a double sink unit, two separate toilet stalls and a bath and shower zone.『25words』

26、Thailand's breakfast offering – you'll find this dish at stalls throughout Thailand. It's a minty spicy fish with a sweet & spicy pork, served with rice.『26words』

27、Walking along the street, it could be easily observed that youngsters tend to visit fastfood stalls selling burgers and soft drinks or street stalls selling curry fishballs.『27words』

28、Speaking, he lifted the bead curtain, stepped down the steps, crossed the corridor bridge, and walked through the stalls along the street to return to the top building.『28words』

29、 To Xiangshi, the hall side of the road, around the pool, inside and outside the mountain gate, there are houses and stalls, no houses and factories, factory and shed, and stalls outside the shed, saving inches.『37words』

