

1、This situation upsets me.『4words』

2、There are no small upsets.『5words』

3、A tall bottle upsets easily.『5words』

4、The voting produced other, smaller upsets.『6words』

5、Hastiness upsets carefully laid out plans『6words』



6、The lousy food upsets my stomach.『6words』

7、His dropout upsets me very much.『6words』

8、Right. Throwing salt on ice upsets the balance.『8words』

9、Emotional upsets generate powerful and deadly toxic substances.『8words』

10、Even now, after all these years, it upsets me.『9words』



11、It really upsets me when people express my thoughts otherwise.『10words』

12、(follow) It upsets me that unlucky things have followed one after another.『12words』

13、A disruption of any part of the digestive system upsets the whole system.『13words』

14、Peter Drucker, a distinguished management guru, defined the entrepreneur as somebody who “upsets and disorganises”.『15words』

15、We dream to incorporate new learning. We dream to calm down our feelings and our upsets.『16words』

16、The mockery of the prestige products not only steals their profits but also upsets market competition.『16words』

17、Some drugs for relief of stomach upsets, when taken in excess, can perhaps cause serious digestive problems.『17words』

18、Round two of the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament gets underway today and more upsets could be on tap.『18words』

19、“I wouldn't 27 jig her, Sir, if I were you," says the nurse; "a very little upsets her."『18words』

20、Even with a loss, Canada will advance unless New Zealand upsets the United States or Japan upsets Norway, both unlikely.『20words』



21、He is endowed with a certain indescribable, unexpected joviality; he upsets the composure of the shopkeeper with his wild laughter.『20words』

22、The Sixers lost in the first round to New Jersey the next season in one of the greatest playoff upsets ever.『21words』

23、That conclusion upsets Paul Wise, a child-health expert at Stanford University, who argues that overall spending on child welfare must rise.『21words』

24、Researchers Erich Gulbins, MD, PhD, of Germany's University of Duisburg-Essen and colleagues now find that CFTR dysfunction upsets a delicate chemical balance in the lungs.『25words』

25、Gone, in other words, is any sense that blogging as a technology is revolutionary, subversive or otherwise exalted, and this upsets some of its pioneers.『25words』

26、If your dog does not suffer from digestive upsets when his food is changed, then you might even consider changing foods every time the bag runs out.『27words』

27、In 1980, the United States hockey team pulled off one of the greatest upsets in Olympic history, beating a powerhouse Soviet squad, 4-3, on its way to winning the gold medal.『31words』

28、In addition, she often mistakenly assumes that if she could ask him lots of questions about how he is feeling and he a good listener, then he would feel better. This only upsets Martians more.『35words』

29、Lemon is known to have been used by the Romans as a treatment for stomach upsets and also as a breath freshener. The British Navy have also used it in the past to aid the prevention of scurvy.『38words』


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