

1、a rapist stalking his victim『5words』

2、hunt (quarry) by stalking and ambushing.『6words』

3、The lion was stalking a zebra.『6words』

4、Economic depression was stalking the continent.『6words』

5、There are sharks stalking in those waters.『7words』



6、He moved like a tiger stalking its prey.『8words』

7、SLEUTHS are stalking the corridors of London's National Gallery.『9words』

8、A British submarine was also stalking the Turkish supply-ship.『9words』

9、I cautiously approached him, like a lion stalking his pray.『10words』

10、He spent the weekend stalking deer in the Scottish highlands.『10words』



11、They weave through the southwest desert like a snake stalking its prey.『12words』

12、You're working in a team of hunters quietly stalking a herd of mammoths.『13words』

13、He had always been safe in the woods because stalking is not allowed there.『14words』

14、OK Magazine's new celebrity-stalking location app might represent the other end of the spectrum.『14words』

15、In movies, on television, and in books, robots are stalking the land, scanning for human victims.『16words』

16、All 50 states now have stalking, bullying or harassment laws that explicitly include electronic forms of communication.『17words』

17、ALEXIS BOWATER of the Network for Surviving stalking, a charity, describes stalking as "the hunter and the hunted."『18words』

18、If they knew that someone could tell that they were doing that kind of stalking, they'd be very uncomfortable...『19words』

19、It's also a period when dinosaurs roamed North Carolina, although none of those stalking the museum grounds lived here.『19words』

20、They are increasingly worried about being targeted for their wealth and fear crimes such as identity fraud, carjacking and stalking.『20words』



21、Remember, it's not the love affair that will get you canned, but the stalking, accusations, and retribution that sometimes follow.『20words』

22、Many worry that their name being made public could affect their employment pro ects or or lead to stalking in the real world.『23words』

23、“Oh, God, it's him," she gasped, recognizing Brian Anderson, the six-foot-four, 24-pound ex-boyfriend who had been stalking and terrorizing her for three months.『23words』

24、The first was a forest with a lion stalking between the trees. The second showed her and her mother on the Great Wall.『23words』

25、It can hover, stalking the spider from the air and snatching it from its web. A deadly air raid performed like an aerial ballet.『24words』

26、Mike Proctor, a detective based in California with over 20 years of experience in dealing with stalking cases, says that more and more include internet harassment.『26words』

27、On the cops' first visit to Dale's ramshackle condo in a low-rent neighborhood, they found a copy of the state's anti-stalking statute sitting prominently on his coffee table.『28words』

28、After a moment a whispered dispute broke out between the three of them. It was short and sharp, and ended with Li Chuang-fei stalking out in high dudgeon.『28words』

29、Prey species, like young deer or goats, for example, typically play by performing sudden flight movements and turns, whereas predator species, such as cats, practice stalking, pouncing, and biting.『29words』


上一篇:be born造句,用be born怎么造句子(29句)