

1、Charles listened keenly.『3words』

2、asked the policeman keenly.『4words』

3、Molly glanced at her, keenly.『5words』

4、The stars are keenly shining.『5words』

5、Obama is keenly sensitive to appearances.『6words』



6、Huck searched his comrade's face keenly.『6words』

7、We were keenly aware of the danger.『7words』

8、The little animal interested the kids keenly.『7words』

9、The divorce is likely to be more keenly contested.『9words』

10、These worries are felt far more keenly outside America.『9words』



11、There was a note in her voice which vibrated keenly.『10words』

12、Having the power of perceiving, especially perceiving keenly and readily.『10words』

13、Your natural ability to communicate ideas to others is keenly perceptive now.『12words』

14、For a moment he felt keenly the terrible pleasure of a double life.『13words』

15、The woman moved nearer to him and peered under his bonnet keenly and closely.『14words』

16、When Lu Zuofu learned about it, he was keenly aware that it was an ominous signal.『16words』

17、I looked at him in surprise, but I didn't expect that he could capture my mood so keenly.『18words』

18、One judge praised it as a "keenly observed" account of the build-up to last year's US banking crisis.『18words』

19、Needless to say, we feel keenly for the plight of the exploited and oppressed people the world over.『18words』

20、The Chinese people feel keenly the harm of drugs, and know that drug control is in their fundamental interests.『19words』



21、The end-products are inevitably of top quality and highly specialised, keenly sought after by consumers all over the world.『19words』

22、All Party members must be keenly aware of this basic requirement and become more conscious and determined in implementing this important thought.『22words』

23、Central Italy was hit by four small earthquakes on Monday, the largest of which was keenly felt in Rapolano Terme, pictured. Photo Riccardo.『23words』

24、Timeliness of the information. Data for the most recent time period will be most keenly awaited, relevant, and have the strongest impact on the market.『25words』

25、But it was the suntanned man sitting in the row behind his Downing Street successor whose presence excited most comment, and who perhaps felt the archbishop's words most keenly.『29words』

26、They had been longing to have each other to themselves, apart from the world, but it seemed they never felt so keenly that they were still units in modern society.『30words』

27、The midfield powerhouse has endured a mixed first season with Chelsea, as he has struggled to adapt to the different demands of the Premiership, but his absence will be keenly felt at Stamford Bridge.『34words』

28、After the outbreak of the Asian financial crisis, Asian countries, particularly those hard-hit countries and regions, were more keenly aware of the urgency to address those problems. They are now working hard to promote economic growth.『36words』

29、The Yuan Hui character Jing Xia is the imperial clan of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Since childhood, he has been deeply and keenly involved in literature and history. Emperor Xuanwu Yuanke took office, and he served as a waiter in Huangmen.『41words』

