

1、An individual mandate.『3words』

2、An employer mandate.『3words』

3、We humbly accept their mandate.『5words』

4、This is our core mandate.『5words』

5、He did indeed find the mandate unconstitutional.『7words』



6、This proposed mandate was born of frustration.『7words』

7、We have an absolute mandate for these proposals.『8words』

8、We have a clear mandate to eradicate polio.『8words』

9、What was the mandate that he gave you?『8words』

10、It does not, however, mandate a whole application rewrite.『9words』



11、We have a mandate from the union membership to proceed with strike action.『13words』

12、The press secretary told reporters that a majority of one would be a sufficient mandate.『15words』

13、Our mandate from the Prime Minister is to destroy the Axis forces in North Africa;『15words』

14、As is the case with an employer mandate, an individual mandate is essentially a disguised tax.『16words』

15、Those who obey the mandate of heaven will prosper, while those who defy it will perish『16words』

16、RFA spokesman Matt Hartwig argues that for years before the ethanol mandate, corn prices were artificially low.『17words』

17、Republicans don’t have a mandate to cut spending; they have a mandate to repeal the laws of arithmetic.『18words』

18、The president and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a mandate for continued economic reform.『19words』

19、It would mandate that users of genetic material from biodiversity are subject to the national law of its origin.『19words』

20、UNHCR estimates that as many as half of the 10.5 million refugees under its mandate now live in urban areas.『20words』



21、J Street criticises the "flawed" mandate Mr Goldstone received from the UN but says Israel should take the findings seriously.『20words』

22、During the workshop the EPA formally denied a petition by NCAP to mandate disclosure of all inert ingredients on pesticide labels.『21words』

23、This week the United Nations Security Council is set to renew the mandate of its peacekeeping mission in Haiti for an eighth year.『23words』

24、Students, as creatures of God, are under His mandate both to learn and to apply all knowledge for the purpose of knowing and glorifying God.『25words』

25、Moreover, parliament's powers in military matters is a German speciality: even a mission composed of two envoys in Ethiopia must be approved and its mandate renewed annually.『27words』

26、More important, this debate may be bogged down by broader ones, such as the fight over a mandate to make a greater share of electricity from renewable sources.『28words』

27、Not that that will relieve the pressure on Mr Berlusconi when parliament reconvenes in September. Sooner or later, he may want to go to the polls for a renewed mandate.『30words』

28、Literary, king, witch and Confucianism can be traced to the same origin on which four major branches of literature and art including talk and laugh, imperial mandate, divination and classics have been created.『33words』

29、The Chinese legitimism, the doctrine of regime based on the mandate of Heaven, is the historical theory with the Chinese colour and therefore has a profound influence upon the historiography in ancient China.『33words』

