


2、The car narrowly missed a cyclist.『6words』

3、The angry motorist told the cyclist off.『7words』

4、He beeped his horn at the cyclist.『7words』

5、He reported having met only a cyclist.『7words』



6、He, a non-cyclist, is the sole survivor.『7words』

7、Pot-holes can be lethal for the unwary cyclist.『8words』

8、A Burundian cyclist pedals downhill on May 11.『8words』

9、The cyclist was knocked down by a truck.『8words』

10、The cyclist turned off the highway onto a side road.『10words』



11、While travelling you can see a cyclist like in the summer Alps.『12words』

12、A good cyclist can cover distances of over a hundred miles a day.『13words』

13、As an avid cyclist, I'm aware of two serious communities: mountain bikers and road bikers.『15words』

14、A Belgian cyclist, Wouter Weylandt, has died after a crash during the Tour of Italy.『15words』

15、I would introduce cyclist licensing now, for a safer, fairer and altogether more civil society.『15words』

16、I've been told that a fit cyclist can cover the distance in two and a half days.『17words』

17、Thirteen weeks might describe a lot more than 4, 000 miles for a stronger or more zealous cyclist.『18words』

18、Not only is he a national champion cyclist and a bicycle innovator, he's also a NASA aerospace engineer.『18words』

19、As a cyclist, I'm prepared to suck my share of exhaust, but I shouldn't have to fear my life.『19words』

20、If you were going to meet another long-distance cyclist, it would probably be at a glamorous place like this.『19words』



21、Today was the deadline for embattling veteran cyclist Lance Armstrong to decide whether he would meet with US's anti-doping agency officials.『21words』

22、Then just ahead i saw a cyclist so I followed him into a parking area where i found 15 other cyclists resting.『22words』

23、If you're approaching another runner, walker, or cyclist, and need to pass him, let him know on which side you're trying to pass.『23words』

24、A lot of their work comes down to measurement—everything from the exact angle of a swimmer's dive to the second-by-second power output of a cyclist.『25words』

25、Then a cyclist approached. It was Halu from Japan, and he explained that the township was only 1 Km ahead as he had visited here last year.『27words』

26、An 80-year-old German woman whose handbag was snatched from her bicycle basket by a passing cyclist gave chase on her own bike and recovered her stolen property.『27words』

27、During this time I started to take a full-size folding bike with me when I traveled so I got to experience other cities as a cyclist as well.『28words』

28、In June, thousands of people rioted in the town of Chizhou, in the eastern province of Anhui, after an altercation between a wealthy businessman and a cyclist over a minor traffic accident.『32words』

29、He, too, had noticed the bicycle and after Xiangzi swore at the cyclist he said in a '.ow voice, " If lie continues to tail us, don't stop at home but go to Mr. Zuo's place by Huanghua Gate.『39words』

