



3、The sedative makes people very somnolent.『6words』

4、Amber bath oil has a sedative effect.『7words』

5、Also, television can be like a sedative.『7words』



6、a long-acting barbiturate used as a sedative.『7words』

7、Against sensitive, delicate skin, anti-inflammatory, sedative effect.『7words』

8、Conclusion Shui 'an Capsule produces obvious sedative hypnotic effect.『9words』

9、Do not administer a sedative to this patient, please!『9words』

10、What are the sedative effects of alpha 2 agonists?『9words』



11、Objective: To observe sedative and hypnotic effects of Zishen Granule in mice.『12words』

12、Objective To study the clinical effect of gastric sedative therapy on insomnia.『12words』

13、Objective: To study the sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsive effects of Long Gu in mice.『14words』

14、a colorless crystalline drug used as a sedative; irritates the stomach and can be addictive.『15words』

15、We will summarize the application and effect assessment of sedative and analgesic in mechanically ventilated patients.『16words』

16、Levan, Aloe Extract, Chamomile Essential, Alllantion can keep moisture, Repair the dry damaged skin and sedative anti-inflammatory effect.『18words』

17、Lavender also has properties of a sedative so using it last thing at night it can aid sleep.『18words』

18、It's nothing serious. The pain is probably due to indigestion. I'll give him a sedative to quiet him down.『19words』

19、Alcohol is a sedative and therefore people get fooled into thinking it will help them get a good nights sleep.『20words』

20、Again, the majority of sedative drugs inhibit both the cerebral cortex, the expansion of blood vessels, muscle relaxation, anti-convulsive effect.『20words』



21、Conclusion: Using sedative anesthesia and muscle relaxant combined with mechanical ventilation is an effective method in the emergency treatment of severe asthma.『22words』

22、To show how the defense in depth works, we will first examine a centric model of three primary layers: core, middle, and outermost.『23words』

23、The results showed that the ethanol extracts of Jinlu Ban Fenghe root possessed a slight sedative action but had a good anti_inflammatory effect.『23words』

24、Treatment with sedative drugs and supportive measures, taking a satisfactory effect. Seemed to be rather effective, all cases were cured within 2 ~ 3 days.『25words』

25、It also enhance immune function, and has the function of reduction blood pressure, sedative effect and can be used in health foods and drug additives.『25words』

26、In the theory of Chinese medicine valerian root and rhizome as a use of its medicinal, is the sedative drug sedative drug in the support center.『26words』

27、Disadvantages of using etomidate include a high incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (decreased with prophylaxis with an antiemetic drug) and a postoperative suppression of adrenocortical function seen with infusion of this sedative-hypnotic.『33words』

28、The conclusions above provided an experimental basis for further study of QU and UA on the sedative and hypnotic effects meanwhile they were laid the foundation for improve sleep of new drug research.『33words』

29、Essential oils Instead of being given a sedative to calm them, patients at the Mental Health Learning Disabilities Network of the Borders Primary Care Trust at Melrose in Scotland are given a massage using lavender or camomile oil.『38words』

