

1、knapweed; star thistle.『3words』

2、grasp the thistle firmly『4words』

3、Alice ran round the thistle again.『6words』

4、Thorn roses and thistle and pears.『6words』

5、The thistle is the emblem of Scotland.『7words』



6、The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland.『8words』

7、If the brain sows not corn, it plants thistle .『10words』

8、Eurasian thistle growing in sand dunes and dry chalky soils.『10words』

9、woolly thistle of western and central Europe and Balkan Peninsula.『10words』

10、annual Eurasian sow thistle with soft spiny leaves and rayed yellow flower heads.『13words』



11、Thistle bird feeders are the only way to attract thistle birds to your yard.『14words』

12、European thistle naturalized in United States and Canada where it is a pernicious weed.『14words』

13、Bow of peach wood and arrow of thistle; anciently used to avert evil influences『14words』

14、The sword and send and receive thistle north, beginning with garments smell of ti.『14words』

15、Thistle, the successful thistle - sifter, Sifted sixty thistles through the thick of his thumb.『15words』

16、Theophilus thistle, the successful thistle - sifter, Sifted sixty thistles through the thick of his thumb.『16words』

17、The results showed that the composition and construction of thistle board vary with the heating temperature.『16words』

18、If Theophilus thistles, where is the sieve of unsifted thistles Theophilus thistle, the thistle - sifter, sifted?『17words』

19、The lace design incorporated rose, thistle, daffodil, and shamrock—the emblems of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.『17words』

20、plants with heads composed of many florets: aster; daisy; dandelion; goldenrod; marigold; lettuces; ragweed; sunflower; thistle; zinnia.『17words』



21、He jumped into his sleigh Ans gave a loud whistle, And away he flew Like the seeds of a thistle.『20words』

22、open a way by Breaking through Bramble and thistle; clear away obstacles in one's way; Blaze one's way through all the difficulties『22words』

23、For the purpose of bio-control of thistle in cropland, effect of environmental conditions on the mycelium growth of pathogenic bacteria of thistle was studied.『24words』

24、Detox Activation? Cleansing formula includes magnesium hydroxide, milk thistle, and beneficial cleansing botanicals all in one product for a faster and more gentle cleanse.『24words』

25、If we go further, the history of Beijing as a capital can be traced back to the capital thistle of Yan State in the eleventh century B.C.『27words』

26、Strangely enough, on the ground crawled a green leaf of a thorn thistle, known in the Chinese medicine spectrum as a small thistle, can stop bleeding, detoxification, clearing fire and diuresis.『31words』

27、And visitors standing alone in the fields of thistle and long grass looking at the “Cooling Tower” or at Mr. Shchetinin’s silvery field of totem poles, “Golden Toros, ” might agree.『31words』

28、But Jehoash king of Israel replied to Amaziah king of Judah: 'a thistle in Lebanon sent a message to a cedar in Lebanon,' Give your daughter to my son in marriage. '.『32words』

29、Any of various densely branched annual plants, such as amaranth and Russian thistle, that break off from the roots at the end of the growing season and are rolled about by the wind.『33words』

