


2、Other outfits are learning from TV.『6words』

3、Another of the early web outfits.『6words』

4、The Hollywood studios began as family outfits.『7words』

5、These outfits sometimes provision a thousand servers every fortnight.『9words』



6、The cost of such outfits is not only financial.『9words』

7、Inspect your wardrobe and find the most spectacular outfits.『9words』

8、Then I am not outfits, because that would be uncomfortable.『10words』

9、Most gypsy visitors are decked out in their best outfits.『10words』

10、Some girls now enjoy matching their contacts to their daily outfits.『11words』



11、Neutral shades are perfect to complement all hair colors and outfits.『11words』

12、You do not have to wear skimpy aerobic outfits or tight shorts.『12words』

13、Standard of machine tools facility and outfits for the machinery of ships『12words』

14、After all, the last thing anybody should want from their outfits is to attract bloodsuckers anyways.『16words』

15、Given the scale of the problem, the lack of co-ordination between these outfits has been scandalous.『16words』

16、The two main characters, Madoka Kaname and her friend Homura Akemi, wear signature black and pink outfits.『17words』

17、The character may have a few fancy outfits, a family heirloom of reasonable worth, or certain specialised tools.『18words』

18、Wearing gauzy, sparkly fairy outfits like the others, and not overalls or bonnets or dresses made of calico.『18words』

19、Article 2 a licensing system shall be adopted for the scientific research and production of weapon and outfits.『18words』

20、And some parents worry the fairies are giving come-hither looks and wearing skimpy outfits that send girls the wrong message.『20words』



21、Ricky's, a year-round accessories retailer that turns its shops into annual Halloween bazaars, has ordered hundreds of ready-to-wear Madoff outfits.『20words』

22、“There is an agreement between the outfits although it is not official, now the club needs to finalise details with the player."『22words』

23、Ease of care was most important: summer dresses and outfits, in particular, were chiefly cotton, readily capable of being washed and pressed at home.『24words』

24、Shop for outfits instead and before you decide to buy some piece of clothes, try to think of at least three different outfits you can wear it with.『28words』

25、Another developer, Total Immersion, has come up with Magic Mirror, a clever use for that front iPad camera that lets users "try on" various outfits, hairdos and accessories.『28words』

26、Twins Conor and Miles Ryan, 13, Matt Fitzgerald, 13, and brothers Harry and Max Mondryk, 13 and 15, insisted that their mums didn't pick out their outfits for the audition.『30words』

27、Tailored outfits are more popular than meringue-shaped gowns as economical women want to be able to wear the dress again for nights out, according to the research by industry experts.『30words』

28、Recently, hosts of the Economic Channel of CCTV Wang Kai and Ma Hongtao started a "Love Wardrobe" charity event encouraging celebrities and hosts to donate meaningful outfits or acting costumes.『30words』

29、Just as the New Kids eclipsed the superstardom of their predecessors, the members of New Edition-the Backstreet Boys have had little trouble surpassing vocal outfits like Color Me Badd and Shai.『31words』

