

1、quell sb's fears, anxieties, etc『5words』

2、He couldn't quell his fears.『5words』

3、quell the rebellion, opposition,uprising, etc『5words』

4、He can not quell his fear .『7words』

5、That is unlikely to quell its critics.『7words』



6、Tighter credit is necessary to quell inflation.『7words』

7、Extra police were called in to quell the disturbances.『9words』

8、His actio have done little to quell the eculation.『9words』

9、That pill you want to take to quell your nausea?『10words』

10、The company hopes the partner program will quell the negativity.『10words』



11、Do you want to take that pill to quell your nausea?『11words』

12、He is unlikely to send in the army to quell nationalist aspirations.『12words』

13、One of the objectives of our project is to quell these hesitations.『12words』

14、Some moms I know also swear by their ability to quell morning sickness.『13words』

15、Factions within Aryan increasingly sought to use crystal energy to quell the adversaries.『13words』

16、His much-delayed speech had been touted by officials, who predicted moves "beyond expectations" to quell the unrest.『17words』

17、No one knows how to quell the uncertainty. And no one is even talking about the poor.『17words』

18、They cannot be persuaded by reason, and even a skillful sorcerer may not be able to quell them.『18words』

19、The government has sought to quell growing discontent by declaring a week of national mourning, but the questions remain.『19words』

20、At this time, I only wish to give myself to loneliness, to quell the troubled heart and enjoy the tremor.『20words』



21、The million-dollar question is whether the slowdown is enough to quell the inflationary pressure or whether you need more rate rises.『21words』

22、With the interim government struggling to quell a deadly insurgency and to rebuild the economy, there is little time and money to be spared for culture.『26words』

23、Factions within Aryan increasingly sought to use crystal energy to quell the adversaries. This was firmly refused by the Atla-Ra and 'Law of One' populace of Poseida.『27words』

24、According to the New York Times, severe, disruptive blepharospasm "can be treated with Botox, which is injected into the muscles of the eyelids to quell the spasms."『27words』

25、The orderly placement of weapons and ammunition in the field means that soldiers can pick up weapons at any time and anywhere while working hard to quell the rebellion.『29words』

26、And Ben Bernanke, the Fed's chairman, was quoted by the head of the Senate Banking Committee as saying that he would use "all tools available" to quell the crisis.『29words』

27、Icahn told Yahoo's board it could quickly quell the shareholder revolt by renewing negotiations with Microsoft, but the software maker warned Sunday that it's possible no deal will be struck.『30words』

28、And the findings are unlikely to quell an ongoing controversy about the safety of the drug, which was further fueled by a 2007 meta-analysis reporting a heightened risk of heart attacks with Avandia.『33words』

29、At the start of June, Los Merengues made clear their desire to bring Robben to the Bernabeu, but Kenyon has now moved to quell talk that the former PSV Eindhoven star could be leaving London.『35words』

