

1、Watch out for "wedding planners."『5words』

2、But who are these planners『5words』

3、The doers should be the planners.『6words』

4、Urban planners use GIS to model infrastructure.『7words』

5、Military planners tried to circumvent the treaty.『7words』



6、For city planners, there's still more work ahead.『8words』

7、They are good scientists, teachers, analysts and planners.『8words』

8、The original planners have not given up this plan.『9words』

9、Italians are not what you would call enthusiastic planners.『9words』

10、But starting in 1996, event planners added an Open Day.『10words』



11、As ever, planners have a range of tools at their disposal.『11words』

12、How to control urban sprawl is the major task for urban planners.『12words』

13、Shanghai's planners were praised for restoring a riverfront quay to its 1930s glory.『13words』

14、Thwarting pathways of desire is a constant concern of planners and architects and farmers, too.『15words』

15、Uncertainties in the predicted prevalence and the Numbers infected should be acknowledged by control programme planners.『16words』

16、Beyond the environment, testing also requires test teams, coordinators, planners, and, where possible, dedicated hardware and networks.『17words』

17、After the financial collapse of the late l990s, many Asian planners started to seriously rethink their goals.『17words』

18、Graphic designers, printers, website designers and conference planners all have contact with people who may need translations.『17words』

19、Many planners say that people will need 70 (percent) to 80 percent of their working income as retirees.『18words』

20、At the outset of the new millennium, however, the way resource planners think about water is beginning to change.『19words』



21、Be it kitchen ware or an electronic personal care product or planners and communicators, all come under this category of gifts.『21words』

22、In the West, cooperation between company contingency planners and public emergency authorities is well-established, and it's critical in facilitating efficient response in a disaster.『24words』

23、Dying or dead malls are so common, Mrs. Satterthwaite reports, that the redevelopment of these sites is a huge concern for planners and developers.『24words』

24、And then to go further. American planners estimate that 70-80% of their enemies should be persuadable, through kinder tactics, economic opportunities-and a formal reconciliation process.『25words』

25、We hope the wisdom, experience and concept could influence urban administration, planners and experts in urbanology as well as the public visiting and paying attention to the Shanghai Expo.『29words』

26、Kun Yue advertising media Co., Ltd. is engaged by a group of more than 10 years experience of professional planners, designers, media, advertising, etc. Media Co., Ltd. jointly established.『29words』

27、Your net worth is one of the best barometers for measuring financial health, and it provides an easy way to detect whether a longer-term problem may be emerging, several planners said.『31words』

28、The local council listened to objections by a pressure group who want the new by-pass to be built on the other side of the town, not along the route proposed by the planners.『33words』

29、Li: As you have said China's WTO accession will engender challenges as well as benefits and how best to bolster the benefits and mitigate the risks remains a subject of considerable debate among policy planners, business people, and consumers.『39words』

