

1、The enemy raided the docks.『5words』

2、The ship docks at 17.00 .『6words』

3、I'll handle dainties on the docks『6words』

4、Porters hurried along the docks pushing baggage.『7words』

5、Code for technological design of dry docks『7words』



6、Supply ship Qiandaohu docks at Gulf of Aden.『8words』

7、He was born in squalor next to London's docks.『9words』

8、Code for design of hydraulic structures of dry docks『9words』

9、Standard for quality inspection and assessment of dry docks『9words』

10、Noisome vapours arise from the mud left in the docks.『10words』



11、These docks are semi-circular stone steps, convenient for berthing, laundry and vegetable washing.『13words』

12、The renovated cable drilling has been applied successfully to pore-forming of docks inclined piles.『14words』

13、Code for design of dock gates and filling and emptying systems of dry docks『14words』

14、There are rows of willows, locust trees and mulberries on both sides of several docks.『15words』

15、As Kim hides among the docks at the port Andre orders his men to keep searching for her.『18words』

16、Previously hailing from Empire Bay, Vito finds himself starting over again out of the docks in River Row.『18words』

17、As Kim hides among the docks at the port, Andre orders his men to keep searching for her.『18words』

18、To feed the demand, English ships tied up to Virginia docks and took in barrels of rolled-up tobacco leaves.『19words』

19、There was Anthony Stracci, who controlled the New Jersey area and the shipping on the West Side docks of Manhattan.『20words』

20、Henry's favourite stamping ground when he was a boy was the city's docks-he'd spend hours wandering round looking at ships.『20words』



21、In the daytime I would often go down to the docks to see whether or not any foreign ships had docked.『21words』

22、These crates were usually unloaded last, and he had often seen people waiting at the docks for hours to receive them.『21words』

23、Docks are the major resources for a shipyard and raising the utilization ratio of docks means enlarging producing ability and increasing output.『22words』

24、The expansion of colonial shipping in turn accelerated urbanization by creating a need for centralized docks, warehouses, and repair shops in the colonies.『23words』

25、The wooden doors and wooden windows of the very ordinary boat docks were directly turned into fly ashes under the collision of the two men.『25words』

26、The program is 9MB to download and creates docks on our screen with titles. We can arrange our desktop icons in these docks to keep things tidy and easily accessible.『30words』

27、After more than ten years' construction, the Beilun port in Ningbo owns 16 docks ranging from 25000 tons to 250,000 tons, making it the largest deepwater berth group in China.『30words』

28、Article20 Measures for the administration of the airfields, harbours and docks that are designated as military administrative zones and jointly used for military and civilian purposes shall be formulated by the State Council and the Central Military Commission.『38words』

29、Union officials who owed allegiance to the Five Families were warned to stay neutral, and when the Corleone bookmakers and shylocks were still barred from the docks, Sonny sent Clemenza and his regime to wreak havoc upon the long shore.『40words』

