





5、你可以继续使用KPIs (key performance index,关键绩效指标)作为利润预算和成本预算的桥梁,但是KPIs的设立和它们的预测现在应该由整个高级管理层来推动。『4words』



6、Hover of the KPIs widget or select its title bar.『10words』

7、KPIs generally fall into two categories: process and work product.『10words』

8、Navigate to the KPIs widget in a business space page.『10words』

9、Providing KPIs through analytics, and visibility related to inventory, utilization, and exceptions.『12words』

10、There are three types of information you can view: alerts, KPIs, and instances.『13words』



11、BP monitoring capabilities allow the process owners and administrators to monitor its KPIs in real-time.『15words』

12、You'll want to monitor some specific KPIs to provide insight into your organic search traffic.『15words』

13、Management KPIs usually don't come from developer IDEs or from tools gathering dust on some shelf.『16words』

14、KPI model: the KPI model defines KPI contexts, which group KPIs with their associated triggers and events.『17words』

15、Then create the appropriate EJBs to retrieve the events and create the KPIs using the object model.『17words』

16、Some of the KPIs are Performance to Schedule, Inventory turns, WIP days on hand, Resource Utilization, Scrap, Returns, etc.『19words』

17、The definition of KPIs has been enhanced to enable you to create KPIs based on an expression involving other KPIs.『20words』

18、Business activity monitoring (BAM) supporting definition of business-centric key performance indicators (KPIs), near-real time KPIs calculation and presentation using dashboards.『20words』

19、The KPIs are shown using a mixture of bar charts and HTML to show the status of any particular metric.『20words』

20、Dashboard users can now set up alerts on any of their KPIs by defining the conditions on which to be alerted.『21words』



21、Using the dashboard, you can build your own KPIs atop these process variables, as shown in Figure 7, and create alerts based on these KPIs.『25words』

22、While metrics are nothing new, some folks may need to refresh their understanding of the KPIs, and the relevance of those KPIs to achieving development governance.『26words』

23、The dashboard also includes some KPIs, such as average elapsed time of benefits and eligibility transactions, total accepted requests, percentage of rejected request, and so on.『26words』

24、As shown in Figure 20, the KPIs defined for the Visit Preparation process include Patient Waiting Time, Time for Verifying Insurance, and Number of Patient Received.『26words』

25、From a development governance standpoint, process KPIs are often more impactful and actionable for people who manage programming activities, and less so for people responsible for quality assurance.『28words』

26、The goal of a dashboard is to present KPIs, so it follows that data sources need to be integrated that are either KPIs themselves or contribute to their calculation.『29words』

27、The original intent of this approach was to establish a certain degree of insulation between the running process and the higher-level monitoring artifacts, such as KPIs and business measures.『29words』

28、It provides insight into process performance, enabling you to analyze KPIs over time and other dimensions and to drill up and down and slice and dice business measures to identify trends.『31words』

29、To the upper right is a set of KPIs. Also included are their actual and target values, and icon indicators that show whether a KPI is on target, below target or above target.『33words』

