

1、You've no expensive vices.『4words』

2、Lying and cruelty are vices.『5words』

3、The South's vices are America's, exaggerated.『6words』

4、Her vices sprang up vast and rank.『7words』

5、Sherry is one of my little vices『7words』



6、Lacking moral restraint;indulging in sensual pleasures or vices.『8words』

7、The Greek's customs were not without faults and vices.『9words』

8、Inspite eof his vices, he was loved by all.『9words』

9、Beauty gilds her vices over, which more securely harm『9words』

10、His strategic brilliance was only matched by his strong vices.『10words』



11、Our key virtues often do become the vices by which fall.『11words』

12、Hobbs didn't squander his money on flashy cars or other vices.『11words』

13、Indian vices such as loose contracts and flexible deadlines are not unknown in Latin America.『15words』

14、?? On gouverne mieux les hommes par leurs vices que par leurs vertus. ??- 统治最好利用人的缺点而不是优点。『15words』

15、If the vices very significantly outweigh whatever virtues there are, that's some kind of an f.『16words』

16、In contrast, Europe's past vices now seemed like virtues: rigidity recast as solidity, risk-aversion as prudence.『16words』

17、As for communication protocol CDT mode is used for telecontrol de-vices, and non-CDT mote for local system.『17words』

18、Some people, in recent years, have been tainted with these vices of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four.『19words』

19、Since Mormons have few unhealthy vices, their leaders are typically very old: Gordon Hinckley, the current President, is 97.『19words』

20、It's going to create a more even baseline, but it's just the threat services, the attack ser-vices are going to change.『21words』



21、Mr. Darcy: Maybe it’s that I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others, or their offenses against me.『22words』

22、The vices of the rich and great are mistaken for error, and those of the poor and lowly, for crimes. --Margrerite Blessington, Irish writer『24words』

23、There is perhaps no better book to understand the virtues, vices, and humour of the Czech lands in the middle of the 20th century.『24words』

24、As he gazed at his recumbent fellow-exiles, the loneliness begotten of his pariah-trade, his habits of life, his very vices, for the first time seriously oppressed him.『27words』

25、absolute freedom; an absolute dimwit; a downright lie; out-and-out mayhem; an out-and-out lie; a rank outsider; many right-down vices; got the job through sheer persistence; sheer stupidity.『27words』

26、Cracking down on the "three vices" is an important content for cooperation among the SCO member countries and is also part and parcel of the international anti-terrorism campaign.『28words』

27、However, no matter how grovel a woman become the victim of the society environment, such as prostitution, male can also become the victim of the subconsciousness impulsion by alcoholism and other vices.『32words』

28、(A slave to the little King) By your pomp we are nurtured, and your vices give us bread. To toil for a hard master is bitter, but to have no master to toil for is more bitter still.『38words』

29、They had lived to prove, once more, a sad truth which had been proven many times before in the world: that whereas principle is a great and noble protection against showy and degrading vanities and vices, poverty is worth six of it.『42words』

