

1、My name was wrongly spelt.『5words』

2、You've spelt my name wrong.『5words』

3、He spelt the word wrongly.『5words』

4、You've spelt the word wrong.『5words』

5、You have spelt this word wrong.『6words』



6、`Committee' is spelt with two t's.『6words』

7、his vilely spelt and illiterate letters.『6words』

8、'Otter' is spelt with a double t.『7words』

9、The crop failure spelt disaster for many farmers.『8words』

10、That word is spelt with a PH, not an F.『10words』



11、The word is wrongly spelt; you've left out a letter.『10words』

12、The words are spelt differently and they mean quite different things."『11words』

13、I got stuck when I spelt a word in a crossword puzzle.『12words』

14、Short-answer Questions, the answers have to be grammatically correct and spelt correctly.『12words』

15、The word "right"and "write" are spelt differently but they are pronounced the same.『13words』

16、The occupation spelt doom and despair to many, but for some it spawned new opportunities.『15words』

17、To that end, Clarke spelt out a seven-part strategy, adding two items to Leahy's original plan.『16words』

18、But to compute an economic model, this theory has to be given concrete form, spelt out in definite algebraic terms.『20words』

19、“aI1 of our common or bread wheats, whether winter or spring varieties, are hexaploids. So are the spelt wheats. "『20words』

20、Once found only in health food stores, "old-world" grains like amaranth, spelt, and quinoa are now available at your local grocery.『21words』



21、Houses were ritually cleansed by sweeping them out and then sprinkling salt and a type of wheat called spelt throughout their interiors.『22words』

22、You persuade them to work in harmony, reading from the same script, which is explicitly spelt out by the country and owned by the country.『25words』

23、Incorrect spelling or grammar leads to translation errors, for example, if a word is spelt incorrectly, the translator will not be able to identify the word.『26words』

24、The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the first international instrument that has spelt out in a systematic way the idea of respect for and protection of fundamental human rights.『30words』

25、That is the conclusion of new research that has found that children face 800 words by the age of 11 that hinder their reading because of the way they are spelt.『31words』

26、Looking back, in the red dust, remember, your tone, shoulder, in the red dust, left, you moved, the same trip, in the red dust, spelt, your style, pillow, in the red dust, confide, your infatuation.『35words』

27、“where, in a bill payable to order, the payee or indorsee is wrongly designated or his name is mis-spelt, he may indorse the bill as therein described, adding, if he thinks fit, his proper signature;"『35words』

28、“When the face of the earth has been levelled, does he not put in the different sorts of seed, and the grain in lines, and the barley in its place, and the spelt at the edge?"『36words』

29、“The properties of gluten vary with its composition, which differs according to the source. Thus, doughs range from soft and extensible to tough and elastic, depending on the gluten in the flours. Persons with an allergy to gluten can often eat rice or spelt products. "『46words』

