


2、land affluent in natural resources『5words』

3、The affluent breezes stirred the water.『6words』

4、The land is affluent in natural resources.『7words』

5、We live in an affluent society .『7words』



6、Especially in affluent families, children start young.『7words』

7、Cigarette smoking used to be more common among affluent people.『10words』

8、Put simply, consumers get more affluent and buy more cars.『10words』

9、Golf is for the affluent, baseball for the lowerincome groups.『10words』

10、The word yuppie is used to describe young, affluent professionals.『10words』



11、In many affluent countries, levels of tobacco use have dropped significantly.『11words』

12、But isn't keeping taxes for the affluent low also a form of stimulus?『13words』

13、Of course, Twitter is a certain kind of community — technology-loving, generally affluent and Western-tilting.『15words』

14、If you're affluent, you can also put a lemon slice after discharge into the pot boil.『16words』

15、A young city or suburban resident with a well-paid professional job and an affluent, materialistic lifestyle.『16words』

16、His business focuses on the top targets for campus crime: international students and children from affluent homes.『17words』

17、The problem has spread to the nearby affluent Gulf emirate of Sharja, according to a police source.『17words』

18、The suburbs are becoming much more racially mixed while the cities fill up with hip, affluent whites.『17words』

19、Showpiece events such as the Cartier day offer luxury brand sponsors valuable exposure to an affluent clientele and unrivalled product associations.『21words』

20、Will such contests, which are overwhelmingly dominated by Asian and white students from middle-class and affluent families, become any more diverse?『21words』



21、Among the millions with hourly earnings at or below the minimum wage level, the overwhelming majority are from multiple-earner, relatively affluent families.『22words』

22、The more affluent children end up in college and on the way to the middle class, while working-class children tend to struggle.『22words』

23、“We cannot forget that, by indulging in an affluent life early on, young people often fail to get a good grounding and lose direction," he said.『26words』

24、Many graduates join consultancies and put up with being merely affluent—instead of joining investment banks and becoming obscenely rich—for the intellectual stimulation that consulting seems to offer.『27words』

25、Standard Chartered intends to hire about 850 relationship managers for its consumer banking business over the next 18 months, to gain a larger market share of affluent customers in Asia.『30words』

26、The bulk of Chinese belonged to what Mr Kroeber called "surviving China", a vast mass of poverty and subsistence outside the affluent islands of Shanghai, Beijing and the Pearl River delta.『31words』

27、Now, my advice is that scrape up the energy at first, and when you have the affluent time, energy and money, using the affluent part to do what you want to do.『32words』

28、A single lychee from a tree that once produced fruit for Chinese emperors sold for a record 555,000 Yuan (, 053) at a weekend auction in China's affluent southern province of Guangdong, state media said.『35words』

29、China has a vast land area, a huge population and underdeveloped productive forces. Under such circumstances, it is impractical for all parts of the country to achieve common prosperity simultaneously. Some regions will become affluent earlier than others.『38words』

