

1、possession by entirety ties『4words』

2、tenancy by the entirety『4words』

3、Actually, not in its entirety.『5words』

4、Actually not in its entirety.『5words』

5、Listing 5 is the script in its entirety.『8words』



6、It is also of subjectiveness, entirety and relative stability.『9words』

7、Parsing and transformation act upon XML documents in their entirety.『10words』

8、Finally, our functions, taken in their entirety, are genuinely unique.『10words』

9、Because of the bad entirety, the brick building body has rift easily.『12words』

10、The Moral Foundation and the Trend in the future of the Estates by entirety『14words』



11、Even if it does not pass in its entirety, some form of obligation remains a possibility.『16words』

12、When this happens, a project always knows where to find the current system in its entirety.『16words』

13、Identify the location (URI) of an external resource that you want to include in its entirety.『16words』

14、Evolution forged the entirety of Sentient life on this planet using only one tool--- the mistake.进化形成了这个星球上有感情和知觉的生命体用的唯一的工具,就是错误。『16words』

15、Education of cultural entirety is the inevitable requirement of training the general quality of the college students.『17words』

16、A transaction is either completed in its entirety or not at all; that is, it is indivisible or atomic.『19words』

17、Especially since no one has read Smith in his entirety since 1776, when there was nothing going on anyway.『19words』

18、The introduction of the property of the gauze texture into the designing of this fabric proved its entirety and steadiness.『20words』

19、Though the Swedish model appears workable for most American parents, it may not be accepted by them in its entirety.『20words』

20、“Advanced knowledge" is the basic concepts of higher education, complexity thinking has such characteristics as non-linearization, entirety, relationship and process, etc.『21words』



21、After the entry into force of this Act in its entirety, a country may not accede to earlier Acts of this Convention.『22words』

22、The research of Macro-agriculture attempts to sublimate the naive view of entirety in ancient agronomy to that of scientific entirety in modern agriculture.『23words』

23、Montessori teaching equipment is one of the tools of an Montessori education, they are not the entirety of Montessori education methods and tools.『23words』

24、In the sphere of national culture, it is wrong to assume that the existing national culture is, or should be, socialist in its entirety.『24words』

25、The paper considers the design and construction should pay more attention to the entirety, dynamic and maintainability of waterproofing expect for the function of waterproofing.『25words』

26、More fighters showed up, and some onlookers, too, until there were perhaps forty vehicles pulled up in front of the gate—the entirety of the force defending Al Uqaylah.『28words』

27、This is only a part of the entire speech he gave today, and if it was recorded in its entirety we'd be very glad to have a copy for transcription purposes.『31words』

28、The aluminium shell of fuel filter and its relevant fittings of our company are shaped by cold extrusion technique which has high strength, light weight, good entirety and simple assembling and other features.『33words』

29、The whole point of visiting an exhibition of time—based art is to take a look on it and then another look and another look – but not to see it in its entirety.『33words』

