

1、Forbes: Woman, 26, mainland's richest『5words』

2、The richest countries are enormously short-sighted.『6words』

3、Lakshmi Mittal is London's richest resident.『6words』

4、Big projects offer the richest pickings too.『7words』

5、Russia has the world richest undeveloped forest resources.『8words』



6、Only one person can be the richest tycoon.『8words』

7、Warren Buffett,an investor listed as America's fourth richest person;『9words』

8、He is a the richest man inside that village.『9words』

9、God is waiting to pour richest blessings upon you.『9words』

10、The pickings are richest for the biggest companies by market capitalisation.『11words』



11、Meanwhile, income disparity between the richest 1 percent and everyone else keeps growing.『13words』

12、That headline inequality measurement is skewed by the rocketing incomes of the very richest.『14words』

13、Every year we gaze enviously at the lists of the richest people in world.『14words』

14、Some of the richest farmland in the world can be found in the American Midwest.『15words』

15、At the end of last year, which was the richest country in terms of GDP per capita?『17words』

16、Warren Buffett, reportedly the world's richest investor, has this to say about diversification: "diversification is protection against ignorance."『18words』

17、Andrew Carnegie, one of the richest Americans ever, practically became allergic to money as he grew richer and older.『19words』

18、Some of the richest universities may be using another tactic too, although they would be loth to admit it.『19words』

19、“China's richest are a lot younger than America's richest," said Russell Flannery, Forbes' Shanghai bureau chief, at a news conference.『20words』

20、Just as the most nuanced stories in literature are often the richest, so too might our subtlest fears be the truest.『21words』



21、DHA is one of the richest content of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid reviewed in brain and in retina light acceptor.『21words』

22、Australia's richest person Gina Rinehart has eclipsed Wal-Mart heiress Christy Walton to become the world's wealthiest woman, according to an annual index by Business Review Weekly.『26words』

23、Between 2007 and 2009 real GDP per head in the five richest states actually rose by an average of 2%, but fell by 3% in the five poorest.『28words』

24、The chairman of Samsung Electronics, Lee Kun-hee, ranked as South Korea's richest person for the 7th consecutive year, according to Forbes Korea. The magazine ranked Korea's 40 richest people.『29words』

25、Each year, we add 1 percent or more to the incomes of those richest people - GDP per capita growth rates in wealthy countries are at least that high.『29words』

26、Not even the most starry-eyed geeks are claiming that an LCD monitor can and should replace the richest, most fully textured college experience out there (at least not yet).『29words』

27、Now, we all know: the world's richest man, Mr Gates. I hope (I) can be done as soon as the world's pre-eminent. The world's richest man in the United States;『30words』

28、Guo Guangchang, Fosun's chairman and one of China's richest men, told the Financial Times the group was in "deep discussions" with a number of possible targets in all three areas.『30words』

29、Moreover, the incomes of the richest 0.1 per cent of adults had risen at twice the rate of those on 隆掳middle incomes隆卤, according to analysis of tax returns by the Institute for Fiscal Studies.『34words』

